10 Reasons Why is my Bearded Dragon Sleeping So Much

Bearded Dragons

why is my bearded dragon sleeping so much
26 Jun, 2024

Bearded Dragons are reptiles that need 8-12 hours of sleep daily. Proper sleep is essential for your bearded dragon’s health because it supports its growth and body. Just like humans need adequate sleep to grow and maintain mental health, reptiles need sleep to maintain a healthy nervous system. It is usual for bearded dragons to sleep for some time like other animals. 

It is good if your Bearded Dragon is active during the day and has a strict sleeping schedule at night. However, it is sometimes weird if you notice it sleeping more than usual in the daytime or at night. You might think, why is my bearded dragon sleeping so much? There are many reasons this can happen, most of which are harmless and natural. However, some reasons can be harmful to your Bearded Dragon. 

10 Reasons Why is My Bearded Dragon Sleeping So Much

Below are ten reasons your Bearded Dragon can sleep more than usual at night or all day.

1: Environmental Change 

Bearded Dragons are sensitive to environmental changes, and environmental change can have a stressful effect on your bearded Dragon. Due to this, there is an increase in their need for sleep. 

If you have noticed, when you first got your Bearded Dragon, it took them a while to get used to its new home. The same can happen when you relocate or change its enclosures. It takes a few weeks for Beardie to settle into the new environment. They prefer to sleep a lot more than usual. Sometimes they also refuse to eat, therefore don’t be alarmed and give them some time to feel safe.

2: Brumation

Brumation is the version of hibernation for cold-blooded animals. Bearded Dragons start the brumating cycles when they are 12-18 months old. The brumating process begins in winter, but sometimes it might start in mid-June. During brumation, it is normal for Bearded Dragons to be inactive and sleep a lot. This process lasts from one to three months. 

There are a few symptoms to recognize brumation:

  • Eating less food 
  • Refusing to eat 
  • Hiding a lot 
  • Ignoring their bright tank lights
  • No longer basking in the warmth.

It would help if you did not worry about your Beardie because it is normal. There is no need to stop your Bearded Dragon from brumating unless they are sick.

3: Dark

A consistent light routine in your Bearded Dragons tank is essential. If there is irregular lighting, your Beardie can get confused. If it is dark, your reptile will think it is night. Your Bearded Dragon will sleep more often if you don’t have a proper light setup. Therefore, adequate light should be available for your bearded Dragon.

4: Cold

It is hard for your bearded dragons to bask, maintain health, and digest food if their tank is too cold. It would help if you kept the tank warm because too much coldness in the tank can weaken their immune systems. Apart from that, it can cause sickness and cause them to be lethargic.

Your bearded dragon will stop eating because cold temperatures affect its digestion, and it will face constipation and loss of weight. Therefore, it is best if you install a thermometer in their tank to keep a close eye on the temperature in their tank.

5: Not Enough Food

Bearded Dragons try to conserve as much energy as possible if it doesn’t get enough food. You can include nutritious food like cucumbers and broccoli. They save their energy by reducing their activity levels and sleeping a lot. Therefore, you should make sure they are getting enough food to eat. 

6: Stress

You should keep an eye on your Bearded Dragon if it is stressed. Bearded Dragons get very tired when they are stressed. Most often, you can spot their stress levels before they become lethargic. You should notice your Beardie and keep an eye on its activities and poop. 

When your bearded dragon is stressed, it will sleep a lot and become inactive. Therefore, figuring out why their stress is necessary before it is out of your hands.

7: Sickness

Another reason why your Bearded Dragon might sleep a lot is sickness. If your Beardie is sick, it will start sleeping more often than usual. If a Bearded Dragon starts sleeping more often than the owner starts thinking it is unhealthy. It would help if you always kept an eye on your pet. If your pet usually starts sleeping and refuses to eat, absorb them closely. Take your pet to a vet to have them properly checked out.

8: Shedding

Bearded dragons shed in patches over a long period. During the shedding process, you can find them sleeping more often. Shedding is a stressful experience for bearded dragons, and due to the stress, they sleep a lot. The shedding process lasts a short period, and there are chances you can see a change in their sleeping habits.

9: Dehydration

Dehydration is common in Bearded Dragons, and due to this, they sleep more than usual. They usually don’t drink water from the bowl, and many beardies won’t do this naturally. Therefore, they become dehydrated. You can give watermelon as it contains water content that helps them keep hydrated. In the wild Bearded Dragons hydrate themselves by licking dew drops from plants and taking moisture in their food.

There are a few signs of dehydration in Bearded Dragons. 

  • Wrinkled skin
  • Sunken eyes
  • Saliva strings in the mouth

You should observe your Beardie and give them the food that helps them hydrate. You can also take them to the garden or lawn, where they can lick dew drops from plants. 

10: Age

Bearded Dragons’ age is also one of the reasons why they sleep. It is usual for them if you notice your baby bearded dragon sleeping a lot, and baby dragons need a little more time sleeping to aid their growth.

On the other hand, adult bearded dragons sleep more often to conserve energy and sleep because they don’t have the energy levels as before.

How Do I Establish a Nightly Routine for My Bearded Dragon?

Establishing an excellent nighttime routine for your bearded Dragon has two significant factors. The first is your schedule, and the second is an adequate dark time.

1: Personal Schedule

A human needs a perfect 8 hours of sleep, so your schedule must have 8 hours of sleep time for yourself. According to your plan, you should put your Bearded Dragon to bed a few hours before yourself. Bearded dragons need a proper bedtime schedule. Therefore, you should figure out when you will wake up. If you get up at 7:00 am and feed your Beardie at 8:00 am, bedtime should be 12 hours prior. So, you should switch off the lights at 8:00 pm to maintain your Bearded Dragon’s schedule. 

2: Dark Time

Adequate dark time and natural sunlight are a factor for your Bearded Dragon’s routine. In wild Bearded Dragons accustomed to shorter nights, bright light glared in at 6:00 am. If there is lots of natural light in the room where you keep your Bearded Dragon, use blackout curtains as an option. 

Is it Ok to Wake a Sleeping Bearded Dragon?

No, you should not wake up your bearded dragon if there is no good reason unless they may be seriously ill. It is best to let them wake up naturally without any interruption. 

Sometimes your bearded dragon might sleep because of brumation. Therefore, it’s best to let them sleep.

What Should I Do if My Bearded Dragon Sleeps a Lot?

If your Bearded Dragon has completed its brumation cycle, has no above-listed symptoms, and sleeps a lot, it is a reason to worry. Therefore your next step is to contact your vet and take your Bearded Dragon for the test.


It is common for your Bearded Dragon to sleep a lot. There are some days when it feels lazy and inactive. It is pretty normal behavior for Bearded Dragons. However, if you think, why is my bearded dragon sleeping so much? There are many reasons, such as brumation, stress, coldness, sickness, dehydration, etc. Therefore, you should notice their behavior from time to time. You should offer proper food and water to your Bearded Dragon. Apart from that, they regulate their light hours and tank temperature.


How much should my Bearded Dragon be sleeping?

Bearded dragons naturally sleep more than others, and many factors can affect how much a bearded dragon sleep. Generally, bearded dragons sleep between 10-12 hours per day, and in summer, they sleep between 8-10 hours per day.

Why do Bearded Dragons sleep all day?

It is usual for Bearded Dragons to take a nap throughout the day. However, if your Bearded Dragon is sleeping for a long time, it means they are brumating, sick, or something serious about their behavior or health.

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