Can Bearded Dragons Eat Squash? 7 Benefits | Full Guide

Bearded Dragons

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Squash
13 Jun, 2024

“The brighter the dish is, the healthier the diet.” It applies not only to humans but also to other animals and creatures. The yellow or bright orange squash is an excellent example of healthy fruit. The colorful fruits come from the same family, but their colors and growing seasons differ. Moreover, squash is one of the available fruits when the other fruits are hard to find. The tasty, nutritious fruit provides numerous nutrients and vitamins for healthy growth. 

Now, if you are an owner of bearded dragons, you may wonder if squash is safe for beardies or not. Can bearded dragons eat squash? Here you will get a transparent and fair answer. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Squash?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat squash safely, and they like its taste. Although there are various types of squash, not all of them are safe. 

Acorn squash, butternut squash, yellow squash, spaghetti squash, hubbard squash, scallop squash, etc., are safe for your beardie. Due to the improper ratio of calcium and phosphorus, some squashes are unsuitable for regular consumption. 

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat squash?

Bearded dragons can have squash daily or a few times a week, depending on which squash they are eating. As mentioned earlier that there are several types of squash, and they all are not equal in vitamins and minerals. So, you have to serve the fruit, keeping in mind its nutritional value.

  • Beardies can eat acorn squash a few times a week. 
  • The lizard can have butternut squash daily. 
  • Spaghetti squash is also safe for daily diet.
  • Yellow squash is better to feed a few times a week.
  • Hubbard squash should be fed a few times a week to your beardie.
  • You should provide Scallop squash once a week. 

8 Benefits of squash for Bearded Dragons

Squash contains many vitamins and minerals, and different squashes have different nutritional values. Most importantly, the fruit’s calcium and phosphorus ratio differ from its other types. After all, the fruit is full of beneficial compounds in it. 

1: Antioxidants Work Against Free Radicals

Squashes contain a good amount of antioxidants, and this beneficial compound is crucial for a healthy body. Antioxidants help in protecting cells against free radicals, and free radicals cause heart disease, cancer, etc., and severe conditions. As beardies have susceptible organs, they should take precautions against those diseases. 

2: Vitamin A Promotes Vision

Squash has enough vitamin A. Vitamin A is crucial to enhance eyesight. Also, the vitamin is essential for a healthy immune system, breeding, and restoring organs and tissues. Alongside, the vitamin helps in development. 

3: Vitamin C Strengthens Immune System

Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants present in squash. The vitamin works in strengthening the immune system along with preventing free radicals. Moreover, the vitamin may help to lower blood pressure. Beardies should have a robust immune system to beat any disease. Fruits like squash and oranges are full of vitamin C and can empower the immune system.

4: Vitamin K helps in Clotting Blood

Squashes are a great source of vitamin K. This vitamin is another essential compound for your beardie. The vitamin helps control blood clotting and bone well-being, and the vitamin helps stop blood flow by clotting the blood. So, if your beardie, unfortunately, gets injured, vitamin K will aid in curing it.

5: Calcium Takes Care of Bones 

Apart from some squashes, most have a suitable calcium and phosphorus ratio. If you provide squashes with the exact amount of that ratio, your beardie’s bone health will improve. Calcium is an inevitable component of skeleton health. Fruits like squash, grapes, etc., help to provide the right amount of calcium.   

6: Fiber Promotes Smooth Digestion 

Squash also contains fiber, which is a vital component for smooth digestion. Bearded dragons often get constipated due to the consumption of hard insects’ skeletons, and they need healthy, smooth digestion for a healthy life. The fiber present in squash helps to promote their digestive system. 

7: Vitamin B6 and folate Work for nervous Health 

Squashes have two essential vitamins, including B6 and Folate. These two vitamins are especially needed for the nervous system, and the vitamin promotes vitality and keeps your beardie’s nervous system alive.

8: Other Beneficial Compounds in Squash 

  • Potassium promotes nerve health and balances blood pressure.
  • Thiamine helps in retaining healthy nerve tissue.
  • Magnesium improves the muscles and brain health.
  • Manganese works with metabolism.

2 Risks of feeding squash to Bearded Dragons

Squash is generally safe fruit for beardies. But some squashes have an unsuitable ratio of calcium and phosphorus, and this ratio is one of the concerns for the lizards. Otherwise, feeding squashes has no severe consequences until the limit exceeds. 

1: Unsuitable Ratio of calcium and phosphorus Causes Bone Disease

The ideal ratio of calcium and phosphorus for bearded dragons is 1.5 to 2 to 1. The quantity of calcium should be more significant than phosphorus. Most squashes contain a 1 to 1.5 ratio of calcium and phosphorus. Higher amounts of phosphorus than calcium leads beardies to metabolic bone disease. An excessive amount of phosphorus stops calcium from being absorbed into the body. Due to the lack of calcium, the disease occurs. 

Notably, yellow squash contains a 1 to 1.8 ratio of calcium and phosphorus. So, you can serve your pet squash once or twice a week. Alongside Acorn squash’s ratio is 1:1. It is also good to go a few times a week. The ratio in spaghetti squash is 2:1, so it is acceptable for daily feeding. 

2: Excessive Water Causes Diarrhea

Squashes are filled with 80% – 90% of water in them. Water is necessary to be hydrated. But an excessive amount of water leads your beardie to diarrhea. So, if you choose any safe squash for your beardie, do not feed them excessively.  

How to Prepare Squash for Your Bearded Dragons?

Purchase the Safest Squash for Lizard Friend 

As there are a variety of squashes in the market, you have to choose the right and safest squash for your beardie. Spaghetti or Acorn squash could be good options for your pet. When you buy the fruit, remember to ensure its freshness and purity. Organic fruits should be the only choice for your pet. Otherwise, pesticides or other harmful compounds could harm your pet. 

Wash the Fruit Well

After getting the fruit from the market, wash it with clean water and ensure there is no dirt. The little beardies cannot tolerate any harmful components. 

Peel Off & Remove the Seeds 

The skin of the squash is not suitable for bearded dragons. Also, they should avoid the seeds. The skin and seeds are hard to digest for little pets. So, keep them happy and healthy. While peeling off the skin, you can cut the fruit into some sections, and it would be easier to peel. 

Cut into Small Pieces

After peeling and removing the seeds, get one small section and cut it into small pieces. The pieces should be at most the length between the two eyes of your beardie, and more meaningful elements may cause a choking hazard to your beardie. 


Along with other fruits, can bearded dragons eat squash? The answer is yes if you choose the safest squash. It would help if you always considered the ratio of calcium and phosphorus; if the ratio is not suitable, you should avoid that squash. Moreover, you can use calcium supplements or other calcium-rich fruits if the phosphorus ratio is slightly higher. 

After all, being omnivorous, bearded dragons have numerous options for their diet. You can add their favorite insects or worms for a more delicious diet. Worms provide protein intake in beardies, which is needed for healthy growth. 

Do Bearded Dragons Like squash?

Yes, bearded dragons like squash’s sweetness. As the fruit is soft, it is easy the chew and digest for the beardies. 


Is squash safe for bearded dragons?

Not all squashes are safe for bearded dragons. Some squashes like Acorn squash, Butternut squash, Spaghetti squash, Yellow squash, Hubbard squash, and Scallop squash are safe for bearded dragons.

How much squash to feed your bearded dragons?

The consumption amount of squashes depends on their calcium and phosphorus ratio. Butternut squash and Spaghetti squash are suitable for daily consumption. But the other squashes are better to feed weekly.

Can bearded dragons eat butternut squash?

Yes, butternut squash is one of the safest squash for beardies and is acceptable for daily eating.

Can bearded dragons eat yellow squash?

Yes, yellow squash is safe for bearded dragons. But it would be best if you fed the squash weekly.

Can bearded dragons eat acorn squash?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat Acorn quash a few times a week.

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