Why Do Bearded Dragons Bob Their Head? 4 Reasons

Bearded Dragons

Why Do Bearded Dragons Bob Their Head
24 May, 2024

There are so many pet owners nowadays who want to have bearded dragons as their pets. Bearded dragons are one of the most friendly and adorable pets, and bearded dragons are natural omnivores.

They can eat various food items like nuts. They are often concerned about many things related to bearded dragons, one of which is when their adorable pet beardies bob their heads.

Keeping bearded dragons happy and healthy is one of the prime goals of pet owners by feeding them celery. Bobbing the heads means moving the heads in an up motion and a downward motion. Pet owners are often concerned about why do bearded dragons bob their heads. They don’t know that when their bearded dragons are bobbing their heads, they must take their pet to the vet, or is this something very common for them?

4 Reasons Why Do Bearded Dragons Bob Their Head 

1: Feeling Territorial 

The first reason bearded dragons bob their heads is that they feel some dominance in their territory that no bearded dragons want. 

It is usual for bearded dragons to do this, which they are scared of. That is why bearded dragons bobbing their heads is very common, so pet owners should never try to place two of their bearded dragons in the same place. Also, they should never try to place any other animals along with their bearded dragons.

2: Wants to Mate 

The next reason for bearded dragons to bob their heads is because they want to mate with partners. 

Male bearded dragons are known to do this activity when they want to attract female bearded dragons, and in return, female bearded dragons bob their heads to accept the proposal. However, female bearded dragons do a modified version of male bearded dragons. It is why bearded dragons bob their heads generally at the time of breeding from both parties. 

3: Submitting the Signal 

The next reason for the head bob act is to submit the signals among themselves. It is an exciting way for bearded dragons to maintain communication among themselves. It notices that the bigger bearded dragons do a quick and very short bob toward the smaller bearded dragons. And then, small bearded dragons reply to them with the same head bob. 

4: Acknowledgment of the Other Animals 

When bearded dragons do a head bob, it also means that they are trying to acknowledge the other animals and that kind of head bob is not in aggression. Sometimes, it is also a welcoming gesture towards those animals, which bearded dragons do.

Reasons Why Do Bearded Dragons Bob Their Head

What Causes Them to Bob Their Heads While Sleeping?

To get a nice and sound sleep, bearded dragons want a dark place that will not disturb them with light, and they also need a comfortable place to sleep well.

When they are not getting these conditions, it leads them to have frustrations and stress. And to show that, they move their heads up and down. However, it is not common for bearded dragons to bob their heads while sleeping. But bobbing their heads when they are sleeping is something that pet owners should not get worried about. 

Along with moving their heads up and down, bearded dragons sometimes jump when sleeping. 

Is Frequent Head Bobbing Something to be Worried About?

Yes, it can sometimes be a reason to worry when their bearded dragon bobs its head. When pet owners watch their bearded dragons moving their heads, it makes them feel worried about them. But, there is nothing to feel concerned about and to have a visit to the vet.

However, it is good if pet owners watch their bearded dragons moving their heads up and down. At these times, pet owners should understand that they are trying to make communication with their pet owners that they want something or even when they are feeling some discomfort. And this is a healthy thing for bearded dragons to do. 

Why Does My Bearded Dragon Bob it’s Head at Other Pets?

If pet bearded dragons move their heads up and down at other pets, it can be due to many reasons. One of them is that they are trying to show their dominance toward the other animals, and they try to warn them that those animals should never come to their territories and they should also stay away from them.

Sometimes, bearded dragons also move their heads up and down to greet them or even welcome them. And sometimes, the reason can be that they bob their heads because they are scared of them and doing so to defend them.

How to Stop or Reduce Head Bobbing in Bearded Dragons? 

Most of the time, pet owners no need to get worried about their adorable bearded dragons when they bob their heads because it is too common for them to move their heads. There are various other reasons bearded dragons bob their head. One of the reasons you should take care of is stress. Stress will make bearded dragons go through diseases like diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc. Giving them a warm bath or visiting a vet will help to reduce the head bob.

False  Head Bobbing Due to Seizures Or Fitting

Seizures and fitting are commonly seen in breaded dragons. Seizers or fittings happen when there is a calcium deficiency, and there is no full spectrum of light that emits the UVB portion of the light to the bearded dragons. Keeping them at the correct temperature and feeding them the appropriate diet will reduce seizures or fittings. 

When bearded dragons bob their heads due to these reasons, then this is something that pet owners should get concerned about, and this is the time when they have to visit the vets along with their bearded dragons.


There are so many reasons why do bearded dragons bob their heads. There are times when male bearded dragons do this act to attract female bearded dragons, and the female bearded dragons bob their heads to accept the proposal of male bearded dragons. Sometimes, bearded dragons bob their heads up and down when they are scared of something and many more.


Why do female beardies bob their heads?

In the breeding season, male bearded dragons display acts in front of female dragons. And, to accept the courtship by that male bearded dragons, females bob their heads.

Why do baby bearded dragons bob their heads?

Most of the time, pet baby bearded dragons bob their heads because they feel unsafe and scared.

Is the head bobbing dangerously?

The head-bobbing behavior is mostly normal in bearded dragons. Head bobbing is moving the head up and down in a very quick motion.

Why does my bearded dragon bob its head at toys?

When bearded dragons bob their head by seeing the toys, it means that they are scared of that toy. 

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