6 Captivating Facts About
Charles Strawn
Are Highly Intelligent
Raccoons are known for their remarkable problem-solving skills and memory, showcasing their high intelligence.
Are Very Handy
Raccoons have dexterous front paws that resemble human hands, allowing them to manipulate objects, and even open containers.
Carry Diseases and Parasites
Raccoons can harbor various diseases and parasites, posing risks to humans and other animals.
Are Nocturnal Animals
Raccoons are primarily active at night and they use their enhanced senses to forage and explore in the dark.
Wash Their Food Before Eating
Raccoons often dip their food in water before consuming it, commonly believed to help them clean and examine their food.
Can Live for Approximately 5 Years
On average, raccoons live about five years in captivity. In the wild, they can live for two to three years.
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