10 Quirky and Curious Squirrel Facts

Squirrels, belonging to the family Sciuridae, are endearing creatures known for their cute behavior, which includes collecting nuts and digging in yards. Are you fascinated by these nut nibblers? We’ve enlisted some squirrel facts to uncover hidden secrets and captivate your imagination.
10 Quirky and Curious Squirrel Facts
1: The Greek Word for “Squirrel” Translates to “Shadow Tail”
The term “squirrel” originates from the Greek word “skiouros,” in which “skia” means “shadow” and “oura” means “tail.” While “shadowtail” may seem like a cool name for regular squirrels, it serves as an intriguing title that builds curiosity about the species.
2: A Squirrel’s Front Teeth Never Stops Growing
The never-ending process of teeth growth in squirrels is one of the most fascinating squirrel facts. These bushy-tail bandits have four front teeth that grow at a rate of six inches (15 cm) per year and do not regrow once they fall out. However, to prevent over-growth, squirrels need to file their teeth by chewing.
3: Male Squirrels Can Smell a Female in Heat From a Mile Away
Male squirrels are experts at finding mates, able to detect females from up to a mile away through heat-emitting scents. Upon detecting the scent, males chase the female. However, female squirrels avoid mating with the same male twice, thereby preserving genetic diversity and reducing the risk of mutations.
4: Squirrels Store Nuts and Acorns to Survive the Winter
Squirrels, the acorn adventurers, diligently store nuts and acorns for winter survival, often collecting over 15,000 nuts per year. This process is referred to as caching. The storage strategy ensures they have food available throughout the winter, enabling them to survive and maintain their energy levels during hibernation.
5: Squirrels Have Sharp Four Toes on the Front Feet and 5 Toes on the Back Feet
Squirrels have four toes on their front feet and five toes on their back feet, each accompanied by a well-developed claw. This anatomical feature allows these branch bouncers to grasp branches and bark easily.
Furthermore, the tree squirrels can descend a tree head-first by rotating their ankles 180 degrees, allowing their hind paws to point backward, which improves their grip on the tree bark.
6: Squirrels Mate Twice a Year
Female squirrels mate twice a year, once in early spring and again in mid-summer, but not with the same male. However, males can mate at any time. A female squirrel typically has an average of two to four babies but can have up to eight at a time. A typical pregnancy lasts 36 – 44 days, and the female constructs a drey (a squirrel’s nest) to raise her offspring.
When young squirrels are seven weeks old, they leave the drey with their mother to eat solid food and practice living independently. It is worth noting that male partners have no involvement in raising the young squirrels.
7: Squirrels Can Run at 20 mph and Jump up to 20 Feet
Squirrels are known for their curiosity and intelligence, with the ability to run at 20 mph and jump up to 20 feet high. Their jumps are aided by their padded feet, which act as cushions, and their fluffy tails, which serve as parachutes to balance themselves during high jumps.
8: They Run away in a Zigzag Pattern
Squirrels use their speed as a catalyst to avoid predators, sprinting up to 20 mph and employing a zigzag pattern to cover their escape path. Whenever these bushy-tailed bandits are threatened, they run away in a zigzag pattern. This incredible strategy helps them escape hawks and other predators by bluffing and making it challenging to catch.
9: Squirrels Lose 25% of Their Buried Food
Known for storing food to prevent scarcity during hibernation, a fraction of squirrels’ buried food is lost. Squirrels bury food in caches for winter, but 25% of these caches are stolen by other squirrels or birds.
Scientists have discovered that being clever about their food, squirrels often create false caches to trick other squirrels and birds. Their long-term memories and a strong sense of smell help them relocate the stored food.
10: Squirrels Can Fall From Any Height Without Being Hurt
An amazing squirrel fact is that they can withstand falls from any height due to their small size and ability to spread their bodies. Squirrels have a large area-to-mass ratio, which means gravity does not pull them with too much force. Furthermore, squirrels are flexible and can land on their feet, using their tails as stabilizers.
However, if a squirrel falls more than 20 feet or collides with an object on the way down, it may sustain injuries.
Squirrels are fascinating creatures with extraordinary abilities and behaviors. They have evolved remarkable ways to thrive in various environments, demonstrating a blend of intelligence and resilience that captivates our imagination.
The squirrel facts discussed above reveal the secrets of the Sciuridae family and inspire us to value the complex lives of these intelligent creatures.
What are 5 interesting facts about squirrels?
1. The Greek word for “squirrel” translates to “shadow tail.”
2. A squirrel’s front teeth never stop growing.
3. Male squirrels can smell a female in heat from a mile away.
4. Squirrels store nuts and acorns to survive the winter.
5. Squirrels have sharp, four-toes on the front feet and 5 toes on the back feet.
What is the squirrel trick?
Squirrels use their unique behavior of digging empty holes and covering them with leaves and twigs to trick other animals to protect their food stores. They also run in a zigzag pattern to evade predators.
Do squirrels’ front teeth keep growing?
Yes, squirrels’ front teeth grow at a rate of six inches (15 cm) per year throughout their lives and do not regrow once lost.
What is the mating period for squirrels?
Female squirrels mate twice a year, in early spring and mid-summer, whereas males can mate throughout the year. A typical pregnancy takes 36 to 44 days, and the female constructs a drey for the offspring.
Can squirrels jump 20 feet?
Squirrels, known for their curiosity and intelligence, can run at 20 mph and jump up to 20 feet high. They have cushioned feet and fluffy tails that can serve as parachutes for high jumps.