Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass? Benefits, Risks & How to Feed

Guinea Pigs

can guinea pigs eat grass
26 Jun, 2024

Eating grass is an odd idea when you have multiple veggie options available. Eating grass is safe and nutritious for animals as it contains many vital nutrients required for adequate animal growth. However, it is probably the worst idea if we talk about feeding it to humans. 

Grass can be available in any form, and it can be dried, fresh, or even hazy; Guinea pigs can eat it anyway. However, feeding fresh grass to the piggies is always suggested as it has many positive outcomes on the animal’s health.

Feeding grass to Guinea pigs is healthy as it has many nutrients to help in the adequate growth of the animal. Guinea pigs are herbivores that rely on plants for nutrition. However, feeding grass to Guinea pigs is safe? Can Guinea pigs eat grass? Let’s dive into this topic to know more about the eating habit of animals.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass?

Yes, Guinea pigs can eat grass anytime; it is the safest and perfect option for feeding.

Guinea pigs love to chew solid food rather than watery food items. They are herbivores that require veggies for nutritional purposes. So is grass safe for them? Usually, Guinea pigs eat in small herds, with grass being the primary food item. It is one of their staple sources of nutrition. So, adding grass to guinea pigs’ diets is substantially healthy for them. It is also one of the staples for guinea pigs.

Apart from feeding grass only, the feeder can add multiple food options to their diet, enhancing their taste buds and will to eat more food. Guinea pigs are quick eaters, so they don’t mind chewing whatever is offered to them. Also, for a better growth record, a feeder should follow a proper diet chart as the veterinarian recommends for the adequate growth of the animal.

There is no limit to feeding grass to the animal as it is healthy and safe for them. However, a feeder must examine the grass properly before providing it to the animal.

A feeder must add it to Guinea pigs’ diet because grass offers many benefits. Guinea pigs require roughage in their diet to ensure proper digestion and health, and the grass is one of the best sources of nutrition for them. Additionally, it helps in trimming their continuously growing teeth.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass

How Often Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass?

Guinea pigs can eat grass every day. Guinea pigs’ digestive systems are built in such a way as to handle lots of forage. Also, there is no such particular limit on feeding grass to Guinea pigs as it doesn’t have any side effects on the health of the animal. The grass is healthy for the pigs as it contains many vital nutrients required for the proper growth of the animal. 

If your Guinea pig has not eaten grass before, try feeding in small quantities first and then increasing it gradually. If your pet animal shows negative signs after eating grass, consult the veterinarian immediately.

Although, one should always try to feed grass in moderation for safety. If you have decided to add grass to your diet, you must ensure the food is safe and secure. Grass contains many harmful elements that can even let your animal die. So, examining and washing the grass properly is better to avoid any consequences.

It can even lead to the death of the animal. So, it would help if you took care of the food item before feeding it.

6 Benefits of Feeding Grass to Guinea Pigs 

Grasses are a healthy snack for your pet animal that can be added anytime to Guinea pigs’ diet, enhancing their chewing power and motivating them to eat more. Grass has proven health benefits for guinea pigs, giving them proper nutrition and trimming their teeth. However, the feeder must monitor adding grass to their pig’s diet because it contains some negative points also. Some benefits of feeding grass are as follows:

1:  Controls Cholesterol Level

Guinea pigs are slow and small animals. They do not do much work in their lifetime. They spend most of their time eating and sleeping. So, the cholesterol level increases in their body. Grass as a food option is secure for them because it provides them with nutrition and maintains the animal’s overall health. Excess cholesterol can lead to severe heart disease and other issues. So, always add grass to their diets.

2: Lower Sugar Content

Grass has lower fructose content as compared to other food items. Adding grass with other food items can prevent high blood sugar levels in guinea pigs; high content can even lead to the animal’s death. So, always add this instead of sugary food items.

3: Improves Dental Health

Guinea pigs’ teeth are continuously growing. If the teeth are ignored and not trimmed, they can even enter the pig’s body and injure it badly. Even the animal might die due to pain and negligence as guinea pigs can not cut teeth on their own, so feeding grass is a perfect option as it reduces the growth of the teeth. It also trims the teeth’ level and improves dental health. If the animal continuously chews the solid, it automatically trims its teeth.

4: Vitamins Build Up The Body

Vitamins are the body-building elements required for balancing out the proper growth of the animal. Adding vitamins to the diet is crucial as the body needs many positive outcomes. Grass carries vitamins specifying their role, such as:

Grass is a good source of vitamin C. It is also necessary for guinea pigs as it facilitates collagen formation, which is crucial for bone formation, tissue repair, and blood vessel integrity. It has benefits for preventing diseases such as scurvy.

If the guinea pig gets injured, the healing process takes time. However, in the presence of vitamin C, the healing process speeds up and prevents inflammation. Guinea pigs are unable to synthesize vitamin c on their own. So, they need food items that are rich in vitamin c.

5: Antioxidants Prevent Cell Damage

Grasses are an excellent source of antioxidants that helps in preventing cell damage. It improves the animal’s health by creating a shield against harmful radicals potentially hazardous to the guinea pigs. It also builds good nutritional value in the animal’s body.

6: Helps to Lose Some Weight

The best thing about adding grass is that they are low in sugar count. The grass contains lots of fiber that increase digestion. It also fulls the animal’s diet to a great level and thus limits the intake of excess food by the pet. It gradually decreases the calorie level in their body, which reduces weight.

These are the health benefits that guinea pigs can get from eating grass. However, the feeder must ensure the quality of grasses offered to the animal. If the quality of the grass is poor, it can even kill the animal.

3 Risk of Feeding Grass to Guinea Pigs 

Grass contains many positive points that add up to the excellent health of the animal. There are plenty of health benefits associated with feeding grasses, but it also has some risks. Let’s have a look at them:

1: Presence of Parasites

As everyone is well aware that grasses contain parasites in their soil. These parasites can be of any level. They can kill your pet animal by messing up with the internal body. Parasites are harmful elements that can control the body as their own. Parasitic eggs will create new parasites inside the body that can kill the animal.

2: Allergic Reactions

Grasses can cause specific allergic reactions as well. Suppose you notice any allergic reaction in your pet animals, such as diarrhea or vomiting. Stop adding it to their diet. You must consult the veterinarian for the same and have clear advice from them. Not every food item is always suitable, and always consult a vet before adding anything new to the diet.

3: Dirt Can Cause Problematic Situations

It is well known that grasses are grown on land and can be walked upon, such as animal droppings, urine, and some toxic elements hazardous to guinea pigs. Dirt is the cause of messing up the digestion of the animal. So, always try not to feed dirty grasses and wash them properly.

These are some risks associated with feeding grass to your guinea pigs. It can cause consequences that might be dangerous and take life away. Always follow the precautions and steps to avoid situations that can become fatal to your pet animal.

How to Feed Grass to Guinea Pigs?

Feeding uniquely gives additional nutrition. Usually, if the feeder uniquely presents food, it increases the animal’s diet. For feeding grass to Guinea pigs, there are specific ways to achieve your pet animal’s interest.

Feed Only Grass

Eating grass has proven benefits for Guinea pigs’ health, giving them positive outcomes. As Guinea pigs’ teeth continuously grow, eating grass helps trim the teeth to maintain the required length. It also helps with a balanced diet.

Add Vegetables to Grass

For a better nutritional count in the body, a feeder can also add other vegetables to ensure a properly balanced diet. It also helps in building the taste buds required for eating. Broccoli, asparagus, and celery are the best additions you can add to the diet. It also enhances their eating patterns, gradually improving their overall health, and gives them different textures to taste.

Feed Freshly Washed and Clipped Grass

As the grass grows on the land, there is a high chance that the grass is contaminated. Foreign elements in the grass can be substantially hazardous to your animal. So, always wash the grass before feeding. Also, the lower part of the grass is full of soil and dirt containing harmful pesticides and parasite eggs, so remove the lower portion of the grass as it is unsafe for the pigs.

How to Feed Grass to Guinea Pigs


After going through the Guinea pig’s diet, their interests, likes, and dislikes, we can conclude that feeding grass is a good option for your pet animal. It is a healthy and safe snack for your pet. Can guinea pigs eat grass?. So yes, Guinea pigs love to eat grass. They love to chew everything offered, and the grass is the perfect option for chewing. It has proven health benefits and is suitable for their teeth.

Also, the feeder should not worry about the amount of feeding to their animal as it is healthy and can be given daily but with some precautions.


Do guinea pigs like to eat grass?

Yes, Guinea pigs are fond of eating grass. Guinea pigs are herbivores, so they rely on eating vegetation mostly. Eating grass is both healthy and perfect for their body. The grass is available easily too. So, the feeder should not worry about it.

Is grass healthy for guinea pigs?

Yes, grass is a healthy staple for the animal as it gives them proper food nutrition with chewing. Although they are blunt in taste, Guinea pigs like to eat them. Fresh grass is the healthiest among every other kind of grasses available.

Do guinea pigs eat grassroots and dirt?

No, strictly avoid feeding it to Guinea pigs as dirt and grassroots contain pesticides and parasitize. So they are potentially hazardous to the animal. So please avoid feeding it. Soil contains bacteria, animal droppings, and pesticides, so always try to provide your animal with the stalk part of the grass.

Can guinea pigs eat grass clippings?

No, the feeder must avoid feeding grass clippings to their animal as it harms their health. Guinea pigs’ metabolism is not strong enough to digest the grass clippings, and even hay and clippings are not healthy for the little animals.

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