Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes ? 6 Benefits | Full Guide

Tomatoes are loaded with vitamins and minerals, making them a healthy and delicious choice in the diet. While preparing the diet chart for your bearded dragon, you might be thinking, can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? Well, yes, you can include tomatoes in your bearded dragon’s diet, but only in a tiny amount per month.
You should not include it on a daily diet basis because of its health risks. Remember to include raw and fresh tomatoes in your bearded dragon’s diet. You should feed them in moderation because it can be dangerous in large quantities or if provided daily. As the bearded dragon’s owner, it is essential to understand the benefits and risk factors of feeding tomatoes before adding them to your bearded dragon’s diet.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?
Bearded dragons’ diet can include tomatoes, but not more than once a month. People frequently have concerns when it comes to including tomatoes in bearded dragons. You should not give your bearded dragon more than a few small pieces, as they can eat approximately one-quarter of a tomato every month.
Tomatoes contain high quantities of acid and the improper ratio of calcium to phosphorus, which can direct health concerns for your bearded dragons. Remember to give organic tomatoes because pesticides can be fatal to bearded dragons. Moreover, don’t give your bearded dragon green tomatoes, as they harm beardie’s health.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?
Despite all the risks and bad things tomatoes have, you can include tomatoes in your bearded dragon’s diet monthly. The periodic feeding of tomatoes gives your bearded dragon tremendous health benefits.
Tomatoes are an incredible source of Vitamin A, which in an adequate dosage, will help enhance and retain your bearded dragon’s vision, immune system, reproduction, and growth.
6 Benefits of Tomatoes for Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons need a specific quantity of vitamins and nutrients to stay healthy. So, considering the risks of including tomatoes in your bearded dragon’s diet, let’s consider some health benefits.
1: Vitamin A Enhances Immune System
Fortunately, tomatoes include high degrees of vitamin A, which is excellent for your bearded dragon. Vitamin A is crucial in a bearded dragon’s immune system, vision, and reproduction.
Thus, if you want to keep your bearded dragon’s vision up to average and enable it to fight infection, you should be giving your bearded dragon foods that are rich in Vitamin A.
Also, Vitamin A benefits overall bone health, which is significant for bearded dragons. Bearded dragons are highly vulnerable to a deadly disorder called MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease). This severe disease undermines the bone structure of a bearded dragon and can ultimately lead to death. Although calcium is much more vital than Vitamin A in maintaining your bearded dragon’s bones, it can help. Moreover, Vitamin A benefits many of your bearded dragons’ significant organs like lungs, heart, kidneys, and more. It can also help grow and develop a bearded baby dragon.
2: Vitamin E Promotes Health
Tomatoes contain an excellent vitamin called Vitamin E. It serves a significant role in the health of your dragon. It facilitates the proficiency to heal wounds, supports heart fitness, and can even help deter disease. Vitamin E also aids in the shedding process.
Most bearded dragons do not have too many difficulties with shedding, but they periodically encounter something commonly cited as “stuck shed.” A stuck shed refers to your bearded dragon struggling to alleviate its shed, and this dead skin can pull on the new skin underneath the dragon and lead to scarring and pain.
Although there are various means to support bearded dragons with stuck sheds, it may be worth gaining your bearded dragon’s vitamin E consumption to prevent the difficulty from ever occurring.
3: Vitamin C Enhances Iron Absorption
Furthermore, tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C which is significant for the fitness of your bearded dragon. It is an antioxidant vitamin that enhances iron absorption and keeps your bearded dragon’s dental health in great shape. Also, vitamin C improves immunity to a disease by enabling the growth of white blood cells and assisting those white blood cells to work more efficiently. Moreover, if your bearded dragon suffers from any injury, it will be more inclined to heal its wounds more quickly.
Unfortunately, the deficiency of vitamin C can lead to terrible consequences like softening of the skin, bleeding from the gums, and mouth rot. So, you want to be sure to feed your bearded dragon diets that are affluent in Vitamin C; otherwise, your bearded dragon can catch some terrible health issues.
4: Tomatoes Provide Hydration
Bearded dragons require hydration. Usually, they receive hydration in the form of fruits and vegetables. Fortunately, tomatoes include a fair amount of water, keeping your bearded dragons hydrated. You certainly want to make sure to keep your bearded dragon hydrated. Otherwise, it can lead to terrible side effects, including a droopy face, sunken eyes, hollow fat pads, and wrinkled skin. If you are not providing your bearded dragon with adequate hydration, it could even cause death. Giving your bearded dragon a diet of around twenty percent vegetables is significant.
5: Low in Sugar
Unlike many other fruits, tomatoes include very little sugar. As you possibly already know, sugar harms just about any living creature. Humans can eat high-sugar fruits, but overeating sugar for a bearded dragon may have hazardous consequences.
But tomatoes don’t include dangerous quantities of sugar. It is a benefit because you can regularly add tomatoes to your bearded dragon diet, and you don’t have to worry about the harmful consequences of sugar.
6: Tomatoes Contain Little Oxalic Acid
Oxalic acid is a harmful compound in vegetables such as beets, spinach, and kale. Although these vegetables are commonly considered healthy, they comprise high levels of oxalic acid. While humans can consume a substantial amount of oxalic acid while being fine, small quantities of oxalic acid can be very harmful to a bearded dragon.
It can result in digestive issues, deter calcium from being consumed in the body, and in high quantities, lead to death. Luckily, tomatoes include very low degrees of oxalic acid. So, while there are specific vegetables you should prevent solely for this reason, tomatoes aren’t one of them.
4 Risks of Feeding Tomatoes to Bearded Dragons
1: Tomatoes Can Lead to Vitamin A Toxicity
Tomatoes have beta carotene, which transforms into Vitamin A in the body, which is not a difficulty in and of itself. Still, if you feed many tomatoes with Vitamin A supplements, your dragon can formulate some uncomfortable indications of Vitamin A overdose. These comprise decreased energy, swelling, weight loss, and dehydration.
2: Lack of Calcium Can Lead to Poor Nutrition
Bearded dragons need calcium to live a healthy life. Tomatoes are a terrible source of calcium, so dragons should not eat them frequently. Low calcium is a good reason not to include much food in your bearded dragon’s diet.
3: Too Much Phosphorus Deteriorates Bloodstream
Phosphorus is a bearded dragon’s kryptonite because phosphorus fixes with calcium in the body, deterring it from being consumed into your bearded dragon’s bloodstream. Bearded dragons require calcium to prosper, so if they eat too many foods with a ton of phosphorus, they can formulate MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease). Not just the phosphorus quantity makes tomatoes hazardous for regular feeding. Tomatoes include a little calcium, but the phosphorus surpasses it almost six times.
4: Acid Content Adversely Affect Digestion
The vet will possibly tell you to prevent feeding citrus fruits to your bearded dragon. They include many citric acids, severely affecting bearded dragons’ digestion. Although tomatoes are not citrus fruits, they have a smaller amount of citric acid, making them unsafe for regular consumption as they can result in severe dehydration.
How to Prepare Tomatoes for Your Bearded Dragons?
Different vegetables and fruits require different preparation kinds. To make it simple to know the acceptable way to add tomatoes to your bearded dragon salad, below are the preparation steps.
Wash the Tomatoes
The initial step is to wash the tomatoes, which is very important thoroughly. Professionals propose that all foods you give to your bearded dragon are free from herbicides and pesticides; washing them is the initial step towards this.
Serve Raw Tomatoes
This second step includes serving the tomatoes raw. It is because cooking will reduce any nutritional importance they hold, and as tomatoes are soft and juicy, there is certainly no need to cook them.
Chop Into Small Pieces
You should chop the tomatoes into small chunks, making it simpler for your bearded dragon to consume them and enabling tons of sweet juice to flow onto other vegetables like kale, asparagus that are good for them. It is only essential to deliver your dragon with a maximum of one-quarter of a tomato.
Serve as Salad Topper
Tomatoes should be served as a salad topper to entice your bearded dragon to their salad bowl. The central part of the salad should be nutrient-rich, healthy greens that spread under the tomatoes.
Now the answer to can bearded dragons eat tomatoes is clear. They can eat tomatoes as tomatoes are rich in potassium necessary for overall functioning. Bearded dragons love tomatoes to taste, but you should feed them a limited quantity due to their poor calcium content and acidity. Overfeeding everything can harm bearded dragons. So, ensure the quantity you feed them and when to feed them. Nonetheless, they do make excellent meals loaded with nutrients and vitamins.
Other Preferred Foods for Bearded Dragon Diet
- Turnip Greens
- Zucchini
- Sweet Potatoes
- Squash
- Radishes
- Pumpkin
- Pears
- Plums
- Peas
- Peaches
- Papaya
- Mint
- Kiwi
- Silkworms
- Basil
- Bok Choy
- Alfalfa Sprouts
- Applesauce
- Arugula
- Slugs
- Asparagus
- Darkling Beetles
- Hornworms
- Crickets
- Calci Worms
- Nightcrawler
- Wax Worms
- Rolly Pollies
- Mealworm Beetles
- Roaches
- Mealworms
- Ants
- Superworms
- Grasshoppers
- Dandelions
- Flowers
- Beetles
- Spiders
- Cherries
- Potatoes
- Dragon Fruit
- Eggs
- Parsley
- Green Beans
- Celery
- Blueberries
- Earthworms
- Cantaloupe
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Cucumbers
- Strawberries
- Cilantro
- Cabbage
- Raspberries
- Pineapple
- BlackBerries
- Mango
- Carrots
- Apples
- Spinach
- Watermelon
- Grapes
- Bananas
Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes every day?
You cannot include tomatoes daily in a bearded dragon’s diet, but you can feed them a quarter of a tomato and three cherry tomatoes monthly.
Can bearded dragons eat tomato leaves?
No, bearded dragons can’t eat tomato leaves. Tomatoes are a part of the nightshade family, and their leaves, stems, and flowers all include poisonous alkaloids.
Can bearded dragons eat tomato stems?
No, a bearded dragon can’t eat tomato stems. Tomato stems, leaves, and flowers are deadly and can kill your bearded dragon.
Can baby bearded dragons eat tomatoes?
Baby bearded dragons can eat tomatoes once a month. But keep in mind to include it in small amounts in your bearded dragon’s diet.
Can bearded dragons eat cherry tomatoes?
Bearded dragons can safely eat cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes have an identical nutrient value as a bigger type of tomato, and all the usual rules apply.
Can bearded dragons eat tomato worms?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat tomato worms. Tomato hornworms are an essential pest in tomato plants and an outstanding source of protein.