Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango | 7 Benefits | Full Guide

Bearded Dragons

can bearded dragons eat mango
06 Jun, 2024

Adult bearded dragons, the most loved pet for those who love reptiles, can eat almost all kinds of plants, fruits, and veggies. Bearded dragons like fruits; thus, feeding them with their favorite fruit makes them happy. However, the bearded dragon’s diet should be balanced with everything included in proportion; this prevents them from getting bored.

If you like some kind of fruit, you can also share them with your pet. But it may be a concern whether the fruit you like will suit your pet or not. 

So, when it comes to the king of fruits, mango is favorite of humans and many anime. But, one might think, can bearded dragons eat mango? Because mango is a fruit with nutrients but also excess sugar, which can harm your pet’s health. So, it’s always good to opt for moderation.

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Mango?

Bearded dragons love mangoes, so they can not resist the sweet taste of mangoes. Thus you can feed mango to your pet dragon. But you must ensure that you provide them in moderation, 2-3 times a week. Mango is a fibrous fruit, so when given in moderation can benefit your pet’s health. Its sweet and juicy taste makes it more appealing to bearded dragons.

Here are some nutrients which are found in mango that can healthily help your pet:

  • Vitamins A and C help to improve vision, the immune system, reproduction, and growth
  • Folate boosts tissue growth and cell maintenance
  • Vitamin E repairs decayed cells and prevent inflammation
  • Magnesium retains a healthy brain and muscles
  • Vitamin K is necessary for blood cell and tissue maintenance
  • Fiber stimulates regular digestion
  • Zinc helps retain recovery after injury
  • Antioxidants strengthen the immune system.
  • Manganese helps regulate metabolism.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?

The answer is that you can’t feed your bearded dragon mangoes every day. Feeding a few quantities of mango around one to two times a month is good, and Overfeeding can lead to MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease) and other health problems.

Mangoes are very high in sugar, contain fewer minerals like calcium, which is essential for health, and lack other necessary nutrients required in bearded dragons’ daily intake. Therefore feeding mangoes in moderation is advised, along with other nutritious foods. 

But, yes, feeding mango to different foods can boost the deliciousness due to the presence of sugar in it.

One can feed mangoes as a salad or include diets like food and vegetables. In a proper bearded dragon’s diet, fruits like grapes, bananas, and apples should make about 10% of the total calories.

7 Benefits of Mango for Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons’ daily diet should contain a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals because they are essential for their growth. Mangoes are one such kind of food that is loaded with excellent nutrients. But keeping in mind the biological system and body size of bearded dragons, some nutrients help their development.

1: Vitamin C Boost Immune System

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that can help increase a bearded dragon’s immune system and ability to fight disease. Mangoes include more than 36 mg of vitamin C per 100-gram serving which is a good amount.

2: Adequate Iron Aids in Growth and Development

Mangoes also contain a slight amount of iron which is significant in the bearded dragon’s diet. Moreover, iron is essential for baby dragons for their growth and development. Consumption of iron can be harmful, but mangoes contain just the right amount of it, which is not at all dangerous for bearded dragons.

3: High Potassium Maintains Blood Pressure

Mangoes are an outstanding source of potassium, and bearded dragons need this to regulate their blood pressure. In addition, potassium enables the bearded dragon’s muscles to work and retain proper water.

4: Low Oxalates Makes it Good for Calcium Absorption

High oxalates prevent calcium absorption, which can harm bearded dragons’ health and lead to the danger of developing MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease). Mangoes are low in oxalates, and thus calcium can be absorbed into the body.

5: Appropriate Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio Prevent MBD

Mangoes contain the same amount of calcium and phosphorus, and bearded dragons should consume foods with the same amount or more calcium than phosphorus in their diet. Like oxalates, large quantities of phosphorus can cause Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) because it deters calcium absorption. 

6: Fiber Prevents Constipation and Diarrhea

Mangoes are high in fiber and include 1.6 grams per 100 grams. This fiber can regulate the bearded dragons’ digestion and lessen the frequency of constipation and diarrhea. High-fiber diets also decrease the risk of colon cancer by enabling the body to remove toxins rapidly.

7: Considerable Water Content Keeps Hydrated

Bearded dragons fulfill their water requirements from fruits and vegetables; therefore, mangoes will provide this vital nutrient to keep your dragon hydrated. You can also feed them with mangos to rehydrate your bearded dragon that has been in discomfort for too long without water.

Benefits of Mango for Bearded Dragons

3 Risks of Feeding Mango to Bearded Dragons

Apart from the nutritional benefits, there are risks of feeling your bearded dragon with mangos. 

1: Low Calcium Can Lead to Health Issues

Mangoes are not a good source of calcium. A bearded dragon’s diet should include high amounts of vitamins and minerals they need to grow. Calcium is essential for bearded dragons, so it should not be lacking in their diet. Since mangoes are not a good source of calcium, you should not feed your bearded dragons with them daily.

2: High Sugar Content Can Lead to Obesity and Tooth Decay

You should not feed bearded dragon mangoes too often because of their high sugar content. Excessive amounts of sugar can result in several health difficulties for bearded dragons, like liver failure, tooth decay, and even heart failure. Also, too many mangoes can result in obesity, which is one of the biggest health hazards for bearded dragons kept as pets.

3: High Vitamin A May Lead to Dehydration

Bearded dragons who consume Vitamin A supplements are put in danger of formulating Vitamin A toxicity. It rarely happens to bearded dragons who take Vitamin A-rich diets, and it can also occur if your bearded dragon does not eat too many mangoes but Vitamin A supplements.

Indications of hypervitaminosis A ( or Vitamin A override) due to Vitamin A toxicity include weakness, swelling, dehydration, and weight loss. So if you see any of these indications, stop feeding them mangoes and any other food rich in vitamin A. 

How to Prepare Mango for Your Bearded Dragons?

The procedure to prepare mangoes for bearded dragons is as follows: 

Choose the Adequate Mango Type

It is suggested that apple, and mangos have low water and can be an outstanding choice to feed bearded dragons. One should avoid overripe fruits because they are very acidic due to the high quantity of benzoic acid.

Choose Ripe Mangoes

Take ripe mangoes and keep them for at least two days to drain water. It enables enhanced nutrient consumption by bearded dragons. 

Wash the Mango Thoroughly

Use warm water to rinse the mango to eliminate chemicals on the skin. After cleaning, keep the mango dry for at least about 15 minutes. 

Peel and Cut into Pieces

After drying, peel the skin. Cut the mango into small portions and feed them with greens and veggies. 


So, the answer to the question, can bearded dragons eat mango is yes.  It is always good to feed your bearded dragon mangoes in moderation, it is high in sugar content and has low calcium to phosphorus ratio, so you should not feed them daily. Since it is difficult g to feed bearded dragons an adequate amount of calcium in their diet, it is advised to feed them high calcium foods like collard greens which are a significant part of their diet, and feed mangoes occasionally.


Can baby bearded dragons eat mango?

Like humans, bearded dragons like eating fruits because they contain awesome flavor and energizing sugar quantity. Nonetheless, you should only give bearded dragons fruit in smaller amounts than other food items.

How many mangoes can I give my bearded dragon?

A bearded dragon’s diet should contain about twenty percent vegetables and fruits. So, you should feed your bearded dragon about two to three mangoes each week.

Can bearded dragons safely eat mango leaves?

Yes, mango leaves are healthy, but it is too rough for bearded dragons, so it is advised to remove them from the mango before feeding the fruit to your bearded dragon. Cut the mango into tiny portions to avoid choking.

Can bearded dragons eat mango every day?

It is good to feed your bearded dragons 1-2 mangoes a week and choose the adequate kind of mango. The apple mango is an adequate type for bearded dragons as it comprises low water and is an outstanding choice to feed your dragon.

Can bearded dragons eat mango skin?

There is no exact answer because it depends on your pet’s digestion. Many bearded dragons can eat mango skin without difficulties, while others may encounter digestive problems. So, if you are feeding your bearded dragon mango skin, keep in mind to give them in moderation and also keep a check if they do not have any adverse reactions.

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