Can Bearded Dragons Eat Flowers? Full Guide

Bearded dragons are omnivorous creatures. They love to eat flowers and fruit, and these creatures mainly eat insects and plants. However, sometimes they also like to eat meat.
Most people have this question can bearded dragons eat flowers? Various flowers provide nutrients, protein, minerals, and vitamins like vitamins P, A, and C. Bearded dragons can eat flowers like Hibiscus, rose, sunflower, etc. However, not all flowers are safe for bearded dragons. It would help if you always remembered that flowers you feed to a beardie should be pesticide-free and picked from a secure location.
Can Bearded Dragons eat Flowers?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat flowers. Flowers are a good source of protein and nutrients your bearded dragon needs. There is a long list of flowers that a bearded dragon can eat. However, a few stand out as exceptionally nutritious for them—your reptile can eat flowers, including Hibiscus, dandelions, hollyhocks, zinnias, sunflowers, daisies, and violets. However, there are a few flowers you should never feed your bearded dragon, like tulips, lilies, and carnations.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat flowers?
Like any other food, one should feed the flowers to the bearded dragons at moderate. Well, there are no known side effects of feeding flowers to bearded dragons. However, as the saying goes that excess of anything can be unfavorable. So, moderation is the key.
11 Flowers Your Bearded Dragons Can Eat
There is a long list of flowers that bearded dragons can eat. Some of them are:
Dandelion Flowers contain Vitamin A
Bearded dragons can eat dandelion flowers. Dandelions are suitable for your reptile because these flowers contain protein and nutrients. Your bearded dragon can get all the protein and nutrients your dragon may not get from their usual food source. Dandelions are safe for both baby and adult bearded dragons. These flowers contain vitamin A, which is good for your bearded dragon’s eye health.
Hollyhock Flowers Contain Vitamin P
Yes, bearded dragons can eat hollyhock flowers. These flowers contain a lot of nutritional value and are suitable for your bearded dragon. This flower contains Vitamin P, protein, and calcium. You can easily pick fresh flowers from your garden or purchase them from the store.
Hibiscus Flowers Have Hydration Values
Hibiscus is rich in Vitamin C. Another perfectly safe flower for your bearded dragon is hibiscus flowers. Bearded dragons can eat Hibiscus flowers.
Hibiscus is an excellent source for hydrating a bearded dragon. It also contains proteins essential for your bearded dragon.
Violets Help in Digestion
Violets are a great source of calcium. Bearded dragons can safely eat violets because these flowers help your bearded dragon digest its food.
Violets also contain Vitamin P, essential to maintaining a healthy digestive system. Like hibiscus violets can be an easy way to help bearded dragons stay hydrated and healthy.
Zinnia Flowers Contain Protien
Bearded Dragons can eat zinnia flowers. These flowers are easy to get, and you can purchase them from grocery stores. Zinnia flowers are a great source of protein for bearded dragons. These flowers also contain Vitamin P, which is essential for food digestion.
Sunflowers Contain Vitamins A and C.
Sunflowers contain vitamins A and C. These are great for bearded dragons’ skin and eyes. Sunflowers are naturally high nutritional content for hydrating your reptile.
Clover Flowers Nectar is Hydrating
Bearded dragons can eat clover flowers. These flowers provide enough Vitamin P as required. Clove flowers are a good water source as their nectar can be very hydrating. These flowers are safe for your bearded dragons; however, check the nitrate levels in your local environment to ensure they are safe.
Daffodils Help in Digestion.
Daffodils are another perfectly safe flower for bearded dragons to eat, and they provide lots of Vitamin P, essential for the digestion of your bearded dragon’s food. More importantly, daffodils provide water to keep your bearded dragon hydrated safely.
You can easily find daffodils in grocery stores and pick them fresh from the garden.
Nasturtium Flowers Contain Iron
Nasturtium flowers contain a good source of Iron. Feeding these flowers will help your bearded dragons get enough Iron for healthy blood. Nasturtium flowers are also a good source of fiber.
Rose Flower Helps to Prevent Cancer
Bearded dragons can eat rose petals. Rose petals are filled with calcium and vitamin A and contain antioxidants that help prevent heart disease and Cancer. Rose petals incorporate vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. They are also an excellent fiber source.
Lavender Flower Treats Arthritis Pain
Lavender has several health benefits for reptiles. It helps reduce stress, insomnia, and headaches in humans. As for bearded dragons, lavender helps treat arthritis pain because it has anti-inflammatory properties. It also has vitamin K, which reduces the chances of blood clotting.

10 Flowers Not to Feed to your Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons can eat a wide variety of flowers. However, there are a few flowers you should never feed your bearded dragons. Here is a list of flowers a bearded dragon cannot eat.
- Black locust
- Chinaberry
- Death camas
- Boxwood
- Caladium
- Clematis
- Buckthorn
- Catclaw acacia
- tulips
- lilies
As mentioned above, Bearded dragons are omnivorous creatures. They eat a wide variety of insects, small mammals, and plants in the wild.
Bearded dragons can also eat several types of flowers. So the answer for, can bearded dragons eat flowers is yes. However, flowers are not a natural part of their diet, but they can be a healthy and nutritious treat for your bearded pet dragon. However, always remember there are a few flowers that can be harmful to your bearded dragon.
Other Preferred Foods for Bearded Dragon Diet
- Turnip Greens
- Zucchini
- Sweet Potatoes
- Squash
- Radishes
- Pumpkin
- Pears
- Plums
- Peas
- Peaches
- Papaya
- Mint
- Kiwi
- Silkworms
- Basil
- Bok Choy
- Alfalfa Sprouts
- Applesauce
- Arugula
- Slugs
- Asparagus
- Darkling Beetles
- Hornworms
- Crickets
- Calci Worms
- Nightcrawler
- Wax Worms
- Rolly Pollies
- Mealworm Beetles
- Roaches
- Mealworms
- Ants
- Superworms
- Grasshoppers
- Dandelions
- Beetles
- Spiders
- Cherries
- Potatoes
- Dragon Fruit
- Eggs
- Parsley
- Green Beans
- Celery
- Blueberries
- Earthworms
- Cantaloupe
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Cucumbers
- Strawberries
- Cilantro
- Cabbage
- Tomatoes
- Raspberries
- Pineapple
- BlackBerries
- Mango
- Carrots
- Apples
- Spinach
- Watermelon
- Grapes
- Bananas
Can baby bearded dragons eat flowers?
Yes, baby bearded dragons can eat flowers. However, for baby reptiles feeding in moderation is essential.
Can bearded dragons eat gerbera daisy flowers?
Bearded dragons can eat gerbera daisies. However, remember that there are differences, so all varieties of this plant are not safe for bearded dragons.
Can bearded dragons eat rose petals?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat rose petals. They are a good source of calcium and vitamin A. Rose petals help prevent heart disease and Cancer.
Can bearded dragons eat sunflowers?
Bearded dragons can eat sunflower because it is a good source of vitamins and minerals.
Can bearded dragons eat hibiscus flowers?
Hibiscus is rich in Vitamin C and is an excellent source for hydrating a bearded dragon. So, yes, a bearded dragon can eat hibiscus flowers.
Can bearded dragons eat daisies?
Yes. Bearded dragons can eat daisies. Daisies are good for bearded dragons.
Can bearded dragons eat zinnia flowers?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat Zinnia flowers. These flowers are a great source of protein for bearded dragons. These flowers also contain Vitamin P, which is essential for food digestion.