Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggs? Benefits, Risks & How to Feed

Bearded dragons are reptiles labeled as desert lizards. These creatures favor hot and dry regions. In this generation, they have started to become a common household pet to keep. Many pet owners prefer these creatures due to their quiet and calm nature. They form close bonds with the owners can are easy to take care of. Being able to feed your bearded dragon the right food is essential. Can bearded dragons eat eggs? What vegetables can they eat? Should we give bearded dragons fruits? All these questions are necessary when looking after a bearded dragon.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggs?
Bearded dragons can eat eggs as they are safe and have various health benefits. Eggs are a very high source of proteins for lizards. And, because bearded dragons are omnivores, they can consume different foods. A bearded dragon’s regular diet should combine proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
Protein is a big part of a bearded dragon’s diet and should not get missed. Proteins help in muscle growth and support these reptiles to keep a healthy weight. Otherwise, a lack of protein can cause your bearded dragons to become malnourished and lose weight.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggs?
Bearded dragons can eat eggs one time per week. Half an egg is more than enough to satisfy an adult bearded dragon, and a quarter would be too small of a portion. So, it is best to feed them half an egg once a week, whenever you choose to.
You all must have heard about the rainbow diet. It is a trend that encourages people to eat colorful fruits and veggies that are red, yellow, green, and purple. All of these put on a plate look like the colors of the rainbow. You also can feed your bearded dragon pineapple, oranges, earthworms, parsley, turnip greens, and much more.
2 Benefits of Eggs for Bearded Dragons
1: Protein Aids in Growth and Development
Eggs are a great way to get protein. They are low in calories, and one average-sized egg has 6-7g of protein per serving. The egg yolk has most of the protein, and it also has a lot of fat content. The egg white also has a little bit less protein than the yolk.
Eating eggs has many health benefits. The body needs protein for growth and development and muscle build-up, and your reptile must have a healthy immune system.
2: Vitamins and Minerals Boosts Metabolism
Eggs deliver a whole bunch of vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and B12, iron, folate, lutein, zeaxanthin, and selenium. Bearded dragons need vitamin D to break down and process calcium. Without this, they will not be able to absorb calcium into their bodies, which can lead to them developing a calcium deficiency, which could further lead to them developing Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD).
Vitamin B12 boosts the metabolic system of bearded dragons, elevates brain functions, and improves energy levels. Vitamin A promotes healthy skin, is good for the immune system, and enhances eyesight. Eggs also contain antioxidants that are great for reducing cell damage caused by free radical cells.

1 Risk of Feeding Eggs to Bearded Dragons
1: High-Fat Content Results in Obesity
As much as they have protein, eggs also have a lot of fats. Eating fatty foods can cause your pet to lose weight, resulting in obesity. They can also be at risk for fatty liver disease, heart problems, and diabetes.
You should feed them foods high in protein and fats in moderation. The main source of protein for bearded dragons should be insects, and 80% of their diet should be insects—10% fruits and 10% veggies.
How to Prepare Eggs for Your Bearded Dragon?
Get High-Quality Eggs
Make sure you get fresh chicken eggs for your bearded dragon. Look at the eggs and see if they are clean or not. They should not have any dirt stains or debris outside the shell. Check for any abnormalities on the shell also. It is best to source organic and free-range eggs if you can, and this is the best kind to feed your bearded dragon.
Cook the Egg
Bearded dragons cannot eat raw eggs, and uncooked eggs can have bacteria that can carry diseases and be harmful if consumed by your pet. You have to feed them cooked eggs only.
Now you can either hard boil the egg or scramble it, and both ways are ok. To boil the egg, place it in a pot of boiling water and cook for 8 minutes. Then cool it down in an ice water bath and gently peel the shell off.
To scramble the egg, break an egg into the pan, and with a wooden spatula, break up the egg inside the pan. Do this until the egg is fully cooked. Remember that you should not use seasonings like salt, pepper, oil, or butter for cooking the eggs. It can upset their stomach.
Cut the eggs into small, bite-size pieces after thoroughly cooling down, and feed them to your bearded dragon.
Now that we have an answer to the question of can bearded dragons eat eggs, we can conclude that bearded dragons can eat eggs. Eggs are safe for them to eat and have many health benefits. Eggs contain very high amounts of protein and are rich in vitamins and minerals, making them a great food to add to their diet.
An adult bearded dragon can eat only half an egg. Never feed your bearded dragons raw eggs because you don’t know what kind of environment the eggs come from, and they could contain bacteria that can cause dangerous illnesses. Always cook your egg and feed it to them. Don’t use any seasonings or grease, and cook it plain.
Make sure there is a variety in the bearded dragon’s diet and that they get sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in moderation. Too much of one of these is not good, and a healthy, balanced diet is what they should get every day.
Other Preferred Foods for Bearded Dragon Diet
- Turnip Greens
- Zucchini
- Sweet Potatoes
- Squash
- Radishes
- Pumpkin
- Pears
- Plums
- Peas
- Peaches
- Papaya
- Mint
- Kiwi
- Silkworms
- Basil
- Bok Choy
- Alfalfa Sprouts
- Applesauce
- Arugula
- Slugs
- Asparagus
- Darkling Beetles
- Hornworms
- Crickets
- Calci Worms
- Nightcrawler
- Wax Worms
- Rolly Pollies
- Mealworm Beetles
- Roaches
- Mealworms
- Ants
- Superworms
- Grasshoppers
- Dandelions
- Flowers
- Beetles
- Spiders
- Cherries
- Potatoes
- Dragon Fruit
- Parsley
- Green Beans
- Celery
- Blueberries
- Earthworms
- Cantaloupe
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Cucumbers
- Strawberries
- Cilantro
- Cabbage
- Tomatoes
- Raspberries
- Pineapple
- BlackBerries
- Mango
- Carrots
- Apples
- Spinach
- Watermelon
- Grapes
- Bananas
Can baby bearded dragons eat eggs?
No, feeding baby bearded dragons eggs is not recommended, and they should only be fed insects to get protein.
Can bearded dragons eat scrambled eggs?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat scrambled eggs. But do not use oil/butter and seasoning or flavorings like salt/pepper on eggs.
Can bearded dragons eat raw eggs?
Bearded dragons can’t eat raw eggs because raw eggs can carry unknown bacteria and diseases. Always cook the egg.
Can bearded dragons eat eggshells?
No, bearded dragons can’t eat eggshells and cannot digest this part of the egg.
Can bearded dragons eat hard-boiled eggs?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat hard-boiled eggs. When cooking the egg in water, don’t add salt.
Can bearded dragons eat egg yolk?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat egg yolk. The yolk of the egg contains the majority of the protein. But only feed your bearded dragon half a cooked egg once a week, and too much protein can cause your lizard to develop health issues.
Can bearded dragons eat quail eggs?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat quail eggs.