Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumbers? 7 Benefits | Full Guide

Bearded Dragons

can bearded dragons eat cucumbers
06 Jun, 2024

The pet variety is one of the exciting things for animal lovers. If you like birds, you can pet parrots or pigeons. If you are fond of animals, you can keep a dog, cat, or other animals. But a bearded dragon should be at the top if you want a reptile as your buddy. 

There are nearly eight types of bearded dragons in the world. Inland bearded dragons are most common among them, but their diet plans are not different, and all the species eat the same kind of food.

But are you already a master of a bearded dragon? And you are a little confused about your beardie’s diet? Do you have a question like, can bearded dragons eat cucumbers? Then you are in the right place. You must cross a few steps to get the complete guide. Just scroll down slowly!

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumbers?

Bearded dragons can have cucumber in their diet. Cucumbers are safe for your reptile friend as it has several benefits that contribute to your pet’s health.

You should serve cucumbers in moderation on your pet’s plate as it is not a staple fruit for that tiny creature, and scheduled cucumber feeding will not negatively affect your bearded dragon. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumbers

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumbers?

The cucumber originally is a fruit, and it confuses a few people as it looks like a green vegetable. This green fruit has a small number of nutrients, and a major portion consists of water. 

You can feed cucumber to your bearded dragon as a treat or in moderation, and you have to avoid serving this green fruit as the main course. You can provide it to your pet every other week or once in two weeks. 

You must avoid cucumber from overdosing on your pet with some side effects. Instead, you can add other nutritious food to your beardie’s diet, as cucumber is a low-nutritious food compared to other foods.

Research shows a bearded dragon’s diet should contain 50% carnivorous and 50% omnivorous foods. So, you can add approximately 10% cucumber to their diet in moderation

7 Benefits of Cucumbers for Bearded Dragons 

Cucumber is a beneficial fruit for your beardie. But the benefits are significantly less than the other fruits and vegetables. A cucumber contains 96% of water in it. Also, tomatoes contain a good amount of water, which is too safe for your beardie. The fruit has other nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, manganese, magnesium, etc. But water acquired a major portion. Hence, the other elements have little space. 

Instead of having an extra amount of water, it benefits differently. The small quantity of nutrients affects your pet’s health positively. 

1: Water Hydrates Your Beardie Perfectly

Every living creature needs a certain amount of water to be hydrated. As cucumber contains a lot of water, there is no chance of dehydration in your beardie’s health, and it fulfills the need for water intake in your pet’s health. 

2: Fibre Prevents Your Pet’s Gut Issues

A cucumber has 0.5g of fiber. The small quantity of fiber helps to prevent a gut problem like constipation. Your bearded dragon will not face constipation after the consumption of cucumber. 

3: Vitamin C Fortifies Your Beardie

Cucumber contains a little bit of vitamin C. After all, it is a low-acidic fruit, and that is why the fruit is easy to digest for your pet. 

Vitamin C keeps energizing your bearded dragon, and it fortifies your pet. Additionally, vitamin C takes care of the vision of your pet. Alongside this, this vitamin plays a positive role in the reproduction and growth of your reptile friend. In addition, lettuce and spinach are also rich in vitamin C.

4: Vitamin K Regulates Blood Clotting

Blood clotting is a common issue for most animals and creatures. Green cucumber contains an adequate amount of vitamin A, and the small quantity is enough for your pet’s health to get rid of blood clotting. Vitamin K allows blood to flow freely, preventing clotting. 

5: Potassium Aids in Muscle Function & Healthy Kidney 

The low quantity of potassium works effectively on your pet’s organs by preventing muscle issues and making them function better. Moreover, this nutrient helps to prevent kidney problems and lower water retention in your pet’s body. 

6: Manganese Boosts Metabolism 

Manganese is another essential nutrient for every human and animal as well. The tiny quantity of manganese in cucumber is adequate for your small beardie. Manganese aids your pet’s metabolism along with it prevents inflammation

7: Magnesium Supports Your Pet’s Brain’s Health 

The brain is the key organ for humans and animals, and brain function needs to be boosted every time. Your pet also requires his brain to function well, and the magnesium present in cucumber promotes brain function effectively. Apart from this, magnesium also takes care of your pet’s muscle health.

2 Risks of Feeding Cucumbers to Bearded Dragons

1: Excessive Water May Over Hydrate Your Pet 

As mentioned earlier, cucumbers have 96% of water, and this huge amount of water causes intolerance in your pet’s body. As they are desert creatures, lower hydration or low quantity of hydration is natural for them. But if cucumbers lead your pet into diarrhea and dehydration,  it will harm them badly. 

If cucumber’s extra water overhydrates your beardie, it may cause several kidney problems. Though, if you are serving the fruit properly, there is no risk of overhydration or other issues. 

2: Imbalance of Calcium & Phosphorus Ratio Causes Metabolic Bone Disease 

The average-sized cucumber has 16 mg of calcium and 24 mg of magnesium. These two elements’ ratio causes severe health issues in your bearded dragon’s body. 

As the calcium and phosphorus ratio is 1:1.5, phosphorus works as an obstacle, and it binds to calcium and blocks the calcium from entering the bloodstream. The lack of calcium later causes a severe side effect, metabolic bone disease, in your pet’s body.

Metabolic bone disease is a severe health issue that could lead to paralysis and death. 

So, you have to keep in mind the quantity and schedule to serve cucumber to your pet’s diet. The moderate consumption of cucumber would not harm your pet. 

How to Prepare Cucumbers for Your Bearded Dragons?

Never Forget to Wash The Fruit 

Hygiene is the first thing to remember before serving your pet any food. Animals’ organs and immune systems are far more sensitive than humans. So, before feeding your beardie, wash the veggies and fruits well. 

When you serve cucumber into your pet’s diet, wash the fruit thoroughly with clean water. Make sure that no pesticides are left on the skin. 

Peeling is Mandatory 

Keep in mind that your beardie cannot chew the cucumber’s skin. You must peel the cucumber well, as it causes digestive issues for your pet. So, don’t neglect the peeling step. 

Scoop Out the Seeds

After peeling, cut the cucumber lengthwise and scoop out its seeds. The seeds disturb your pet during eating, and they don’t like it, and also it takes time to digest the seeds. 

Cut Into Small Pieces 

Bearded dragons are very small, and their pieces of food are smaller than theirs. After leaving the seeds, cut the cucumber’s fresh flesh into small pieces. You must cut the pieces as small as the gap between your pet’s eyes!

Smaller pieces are easy to eat for your beardie. After getting the small presentable cucumber dish, your pet will gobble the food!

You Can Mix Cucumber With Other Foods

If your pet is not interested in eating only cucumbers, you can mix that fruit with its main course. They may not deny eating like this. Notably, your bearded dragon might like alfalfa sprouts, basil, etc. So, you can mix and feed it to them in moderation.


Now that we have the answer to the question, can bearded dragons eat cucumber? We can conclude that cucumber is a safe food for your bearded dragon if you feed it with proper moderation. But it is not as beneficial as other foods because it does not have the adequate nutrients your pet requires. There are so many options for fruits and veggies for your pet, so you don’t have to be desperate to feed cucumbers only. 

Other foods provide more nutrients than cucumber. So, consider your pet’s health first, then choose their perfect diet. Also, your pet may not take an interest in having cucumbers. In this circumstance, you should avoid feeding it. Your pet’s consent is the most crucial factor that you have to keep in mind. 


Can bearded dragons eat cucumbers every day?

As cucumbers are low nutritious for your pet and contain a high water level, you should serve them once every two weeks.

Can bearded dragons eat mini cucumbers?

Mini cucumber works as a fully grown cucumber. You can feed your pet mini cucumber but in moderation.

Can bearded dragons eat pickled cucumbers?

Pickled cucumbers harm your pet’s health, and you should avoid adding spices to them.

Can baby bearded dragons eat cucumbers?

You can serve very few quantities every other week to your baby beardie. But you have to be very careful about their sensitive health organs.

Can bearded dragons eat cucumber leaves?

It is hard to digest. So, do not feed it to your pet.

Can bearded dragons eat cucumber peels?

No, they are unable to digest cucumber peels.

Do cucumbers cause diarrhea in bearded dragons?

Excessive consumption of cucumber causes diarrhea and leads your pet to dehydration.

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