Can Bearded Dragons Eat Beetles? 4 Benefits | Full Guide

Bearded Dragons

can bearded dragons eat beetles
27 May, 2024

Adult dragons have a diet primarily comprised of vegetables and fruits, but up to half of the diet can consist of insects. But can bearded dragons eat beetles? There is a vast range of beetle larvae and beetles accessible to buy for your bearded dragons, but it is significant to ensure you are only providing your bearded dragon with safe beetles. Moreover, their all-around diet should be nutritionally balanced to prevent diet-related health difficulties.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Beetles?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat beetles, but they should be given in moderation. The diet of an adult bearded dragon will mainly consist of plants. But, a part of their diet should include animal matter like insects. Insects can be a huge source of nutrients for adult bearded dragons in the wild and captivity. But not all insects are safe for a bearded dragon to consume. Some insects are toxic to bearded dragons, so it is vital to research the particular insect you want to give your bearded dragon.

There are a vast number of beetle varieties in the world. And tons of those will make a safe snack for the adult bearded dragon. Nonetheless, you should research the particular type of beetle you are giving before damaging your bearded dragon. 

If a beetle is hard or large, the bearded dragon may struggle to consume it. And giant beetles could hurt your bearded dragon, leading to stress instead of a full stomach! Moreover, it is good to avoid hard adult beetles and to feed your bearded dragons smaller, softer insects, as these will be simpler for your dragon to eat and digest.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Beetles?

Giving one or two beetles a rare treat as part of their diet is suitable for bearded dragons. The number of beetles that are safe for your dragon to consume will rely on your bearded dragon’s size and weight and the remainder of its diet. It will also depend on the kind of beetle you are giving, its form, and its nutritional quantity. 

Young bearded dragons should consume fewer beetles than adult ones. Beetles shouldn’t be a primary source of nutrients in your dragon’s diet

Bearded dragons grow on a mixed diet, and getting the nutrients they require from many sources is good for their health. The bulk of their diet should arrive from plant matter. 

Feeding beetles too much and too frequently at a single time can lead to nutritional inequalities, even in their larvae shape. Dietary disparities can lead to health difficulties like constipation, secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism, obesity, and an upset stomach.

4 Benefits of Feeding Beetles to Your Bearded Dragons

1: High Protein Content Aids in Growth

Beetles and mealworms have a high protein quantity. Protein is an essential nutrient for both humans and pets. Thus beetles could be included in the diet of bearded dragons as it is necessary for the proper development and growth of your bearded dragon.

2: High Fiber Content Prevent Constipation

Fiber constitutes an essential part of a bearded dragon’s diet. Both beetles and mealworms have a high fiber quantity, which can enable them to prevent constipation in your bearded dragon.

3: Low Sodium Level Prevent Heart Problems

As the owner of a bearded dragon, you should keep in mind not to include much sodium in their diet as it could lead to health hazards. Beetles and mealworms have a low sodium point, making them an excellent food for pets with high blood pressure or heart problems, such as bearded dragons.

4: Other Nutrients for Overall Health

There are small nutritional advantages to feeding your bearded dragons some beetles. Beetles can be prosperous in calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, and iron, which can help overall development. As you can notice, these are all healthy and good food ingredients but in minimal amounts that it is not worth it for your bearded dragons to go through difficult times consuming a beetle to obtain these nutrients.

4 Risks of Feeding Beetles to Bearded Dragons

1: High-Fat Content Can Cause Diarrhea

Beetles are affluent in fat, which your bearded dragon needs in a minimal amount. Fat can result in irregular stool in your bearded dragon and can also cause diarrhea which is not an excellent experience for your pet.

2: Beetles May Bite Your Bearded Dragon

Another problem with beetles, primarily in their larval form, is the truth that they will bite your bearded dragon. Other insects which can bite the dragon are ants, roaches, and superworms. It is a usual defense, as you can understand. So they deliver a risk to your hands and your bearded dragon.

3: Beetles Have Tough Exterior

These beetles have to conserve themselves, as you can think. So, they have a hard exterior to protect your predators. If you try to feed them to your bearded dragon, you may find that he will try to permeate this exterior.

4: High Phosphorus Levels Prevent Calcium Absorption

Beetles and mealworms have an increased phosphorus level, notably when correlated to the calcium they provide. It is significant because their phosphorus and calcium levels need a particular ratio to stay safe, and this proportion is believed to be at least 2:1 about calcium. The problem with mealworms is it doesn’t retain this ratio. Hence the justification why some owners require calcium supplements for their bearded dragons.


When determining which diet is reasonable, you may think can bearded dragons eat beetles? Some insects that bearded dragons consume turn into beetles, which comes out as an under-covered gray region in ensuring your dragon is consuming the proper diet. Bearded dragons can consume beetles, but they certainly are not the best option for some reasons. Even as worms, before modifying into beetles, the nutritional quantity is insufficient to sustain your bearded dragon.


Can bearded dragons eat darkling beetles?

Some kinds of darkling beetles are safe for your bearded dragon. Darkling beetles are simpler for your bearded dragon to eat as larvae but not in adult form, as they have a hard shell outside.

Can bearded dragons eat mealworm beetles?

Yes, bearded dragons can consume mealworm beetles, a variety of darkling beetles.

Can bearded dragons eat superworm beetles?

Yes, bearded dragons can consume superior beetles but in larvae form. Superworm beetles are another variety that falls under the classification of darkling beetles.

Can bearded dragons eat Japanese beetles?

Japanese beetles are not recommended in the diet of bearded dragons because these beetles are tough and hard for bearded dragons to eat and can lead to health problems.

Can baby bearded dragons eat beetles?

It is commonly not recommended to feed your baby bearded dragon beetles, and beetles are tough to eat and digest, even for adult bearded dragons.

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