Can Bearded Dragons Eat Basil? Benefits, Risks & How to Feed

Bearded Dragons

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Basil
26 Jun, 2024

Basil is a tasty herb with a place in several recipes, from salads to sauces. If you love it, you may have wondered if your pet dragon would like it. So let’s see can bearded dragons eat basil? Bearded dragons like to eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Herbs should be a portion of your pet’s diet, as they offer a collection of nutrients not available in other food items. 

Some flavorings are unsuitable for your bearded dragons but are basil okay to consume? Well, yes, bearded dragons can safely eat basil. Bearded dragons need a variety of foods to survive and grow. You will want to feed them a fifty percent carnivorous and fifty percent omnivorous food diet, and adding some basil to your bearded dragon’s diet will help balance and include some good stuff.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Basil?

Bearded dragons can eat basil weekly. As the owner of a bearded dragon, you hear a lot about how they need to eat vegetables like collard greens or endive, and herbs are a little different as they are additional rather than essential. You can offer basil once a week to bearded dragons, which makes a flavorful and fragrant addition to your bearded dragon’s salad. 

Basil has vitamins A, C, E, and K for eyesight, the immune system, and healthy and strong cells and blood. It contains antioxidants for a healthy immune system. It is filled with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and is suitable for digestion. 

However, Vitamin A can be problematic for bearded dragons if they consume basil daily, which is one reason it is not a staple for them. Too much of a food rich in Vitamin A can result in Vitamin A toxicity in bearded dragons. It is not excessively common, but it is something to be conscious of. Also, basil is acidic and can result in diarrhea or stomach pain if bearded dragons consume too much of it. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Basil

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Basil?

After knowing the advantages of basil for bearded dragons, it is easy to want to go right out and feed them a ton of basil daily. But the truth is, feeding basil daily can result in a lot of problems. So basil, like several other herbs, must be given to your dragon in moderation and in conjunction with vegetables like broccoli.

It is recommended to give your bearded dragon basil once per week. It will enable the majority of their diet to come from staple greens like dandelion greens and provide some variety through basil sometimes.

5 Benefits of Basil for Bearded Dragons

Basil gives surprising quantities of critical nutrients in a balanced way that is safe for your pet.  

1: High in Calcium

As the owner of a bearded dragon, you’ll understand what essential role calcium plays in your pet’s diet. By adding basil to your pet’s diet from time to time, along with giving other calcium-rich greens, you are adding an outstanding balance to reach their daily calcium quota. Basil retains a healthy calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. For this to be healthy, it must contain equal quantities of calcium to phosphorus, and the approved ratio must be at least 2:1. 

2: Large Amounts of Vitamin K, C

Basil contains a significant amount of vitamin C and the extremely high vitamin K content is essential for bone health and blood clotting. Basil is also rich in vitamin C and is tremendous for your bearded dragon’s health and immune system.

3: Less Calories Gives More Energy

Less than thirty calories per homered gram are gobsmacking, implying you do not have to worry about the everyday calorie intake of your bearded dragon because it cannot even get near the limit.

4: Phosphorus for Bearded Dragon’s Bones

Basil is vital to the well-being of your bearded dragon’s bones, and it is essential to the growth, development, and density of teeth and bones of your bearded dragons.

5: Water Keeps Them Hydrated

The amount of water in basil is incredible, implying that they receive additional water in their system and keep them hydrated. In addition, basil is also high in vitamin A, and it is a very reasonable herb to procure and simple to find.

3 Risks of Feeding Basil to Bearded Dragons

Basil is suitable for all its nutritious importance; however, bearded dragons can only eat basil in moderate amounts.

1: Too Much Calcium

The calcium to phosphorus proportion in foods is significant when giving your bearded dragon. It can only have foods with a 1:1 or 1:2 calcium to phosphorus ratio or might formulate bone problems from not consuming enough calcium. In basil, the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is 3:1, which makes it unsafe for your pet to eat in huge quantities.

2: Basil is Too Acidic

Basil has several acids, including chicoric and caftaric acid. Too much acidic diet for a bearded dragon will be fatal to him. As long as you add basil to his diet sparingly, these troubling areas will not entail your bearded dragon.

3: Replacing Other Necessary Foods

If bearded dragons consume basil occasionally, it is unlikely to harm them. Nonetheless, it can become difficult if you feed them basil rather than a more typical dragon diet, which could result in a nutrient deficiency or imbalance. It is because bearded dragons are omnivores which implies they eat animal and plant material.

Vegetables and fruits should make up around eighty percent of a bearded dragon’s diet, depending on their age. Of that eighty percent plant-based diet, around eighty to ninety percent should be leafy greens, with the remaining ten to twenty percent coming from fruits or edible flowers. You can comprise some basil within this part of their diet.

How to Prepare Basil for Your Bearded Dragons?

The decent thing about giving greens and herbs to your bearded dragon is that they do not usually take preparation before they are prepared to serve. But you still require some simple things to ensure that your bearded dragon can safely eat herbs like basil.

Search for Organic Basil

It is always best to lend your bearded dragon organic greens and herbs whenever feasible. Pesticides can harm reptiles such as bearded dragons, so paying more for organic is best if you can. 

Wash Them Properly

Whether purchasing basil leaves from a shop or growing your own at a residence, you should always wash them thoroughly before putting them in your bearded dragon’s salad bowl.

No Need to Cook

There is no requirement to cook the basil, as cooking will wilt it and lessen its nutritional content, so always give it fresh from the plant. Moreover, depending on the basil leaves size, you can chop them into small pieces or offer them as they are.


So can bearded dragons eat basil? Now you know the benefits and risks of why basil is, in moderate quantities, a tremendous addition to your bearded dragon’s diet. But when feeding basil to your bearded dragon, ensure you scrub your hands when you are done. Parasites or bacteria that could be fatal to humans set happily on bearded dragons. Also, bearded dragons can consume fresh basil as long as it is in moderation. You can put basil on your baby or adult bearded dragon’s diet.


Can baby bearded dragons eat basil?

Baby bearded dragons need the correct amount of calcium and other minerals in their plant-based diet. Thus baby bearded dragons can consume basil as part of a balanced diet, including other greens.

Do bearded dragons like basil?

Yes, bearded dragons commonly like basil and will consume it if offered. Basil retains a fresh aroma and is full of flavor, which bearded dragons appreciate.

Is basil safe for beardies?

Yes, basil is entirely safe for bearded dragons. It is filled with essential vitamins and nutrients, which are healthy if given in moderation.

How much basil to feed bearded dragons?

You should feed basil to your bearded dragon in moderation, and it is advised to provide them once a week.

Can bearded dragons eat dried basil?

Bearded dragons should not eat dried basil as dried herbs are more concentrated. It may be too intense for bearded dragons as dried basil is more acidic, which could result in digestive problems for bearded dragons.

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