Can Bearded Dragons Eat Alfalfa Sprouts? 6 Benefits | Full Guide

Bearded Dragons

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Alfalfa Sprouts
06 Jun, 2024

Alfalfa sprouts are protein-rich, meaning they have approximately eight grams of protein per cup. Can bearded dragons eat alfalfa sprouts? Bearded dragons need high quantities of protein in their diet, making alfalfa sprouts an excellent choice for your bearded dragon. Moreover, alfalfa sprouts are low in fat and include no cholesterol. These properties make it feasible for you to give alfalfa sprouts to your bearded dragon with no worries if it becomes obese. Also, alfalfa sprouts are rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and several other significant minerals, thus making them great for your bearded dragons. 

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Alfalfa Sprouts?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat all parts of the alfalfa, which is excellent for bearded dragons. The sprouts are a great addition to bearded dragons’ diets on a casual basis. Giving bearded dragons alfalfa sprouts once every 1-2 weeks will increase essential nutrients and enable them to keep hydrated. 

Also, alfalfa sprouts have healthy nutrients like magnesium, fiber, and vitamins A, K, and C. A reasonable amount of calcium is also there in sprouts, but even higher phosphorus can lead to a poor calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. 

It is why alfalfa sprouts are not an excellent daily-food choice. When choosing and preparing alfalfa sprouts for your bearded dragon, it is adequate to choose fresh, organic, and green plants. 

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Alfalfa Sprouts?

Giving alfalfa sprouts to your bearded dragons provides them with many health benefits as it is more nutritious than other treats you can give them daily. Because they are high in calcium, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, these green leaves should only make up about ten percent of your bearded dragon’s diet.

Nonetheless, it is always best to let your bearded dragon choose how frequently he wants to eat alfalfa sprouts because individual dragons have varied preferences for food. You should feed the alfalfa sprouts once every week with other leafy greens like swiss chard and dandelion leaves, which will keep them happy and hydrated.

6 Benefits of Alfalfa Sprouts for Bearded Dragons

1: Vitamin A Has Amazing Antioxidant Properties 

Vitamin A has a remarkable antioxidant property. Alongside this, it is a fantastic addition to the daily diet when discussing eyesight. The significance of eyesight can not be stressed enough for bearded dragons, so keep that in mind when planning the diet for your pet.

2: Vitamin C Increases Immune System

Bearded dragons are not inclined to many disorders, but vitamin C helps increase their immune system to another level. Besides this, it is also an excellent antioxidant. Also, vitamin C is critical in everybody’s diet, even humans, and it implies this element’s importance, and feeding alfalfa sprouts is a great choice. 

3: Vitamin K Binds Calcium to Bones

In a mixture of calcium, this component can do wonders. It can bind calcium to bones and enables you to keep your bearded dragon strong. It also boosts calcium to get to skin and teeth, making them as powerful as ever.

4: Phosphorus Aids Bone Development 

Phosphorus is the most significant component of alfalfa sprouts. Not only does phosphorus aid bone and teeth development, but it also plays a significant role in protein and carbohydrate usage in the body.

5: Fiber Promotes Healthy Digestive System

Fiber is an incredible way to regulate your bearded dragon’s stool, and it helps deter diarrhea and enables one to keep a healthy belly precisely as it should be. Remember that too much fiber can result in constipation, which is not pleasant to deal with.

6: Water Keeps Them Hydrated

Alfalfa sprouts have almost 93% of water in them. Bearded dragons require water to stay hydrated to stay healthy. Even if they do not drink sufficient water, alfalfa will give them a remarkable amount of water.

3 Risks of Feeding Alfalfa Sprouts to Bearded Dragons

1: Can Lead to Calcium Deficiency

Bearded dragons require a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus. But alfalfa sprouts do not have that ratio, and it does not make it any less good food and implies you shouldn’t feed it to your pet daily. Calcium levels might be impacted by high phosphorus intake and can result in MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease).

2: Can Lead to Digestive Problems

Another thing you should remember is the water percentage in these sprouts. Even though ninety-three percent of water is an extraordinary number, it can result in some problems when overused. Too much water can result in diarrhea very easily, and bearded dragons do not usually consume water-rich foods. Insects and bugs have some water, but less than these sprouts.

3: Too Much Could Be Unhealthy

It has been said that too much of anything can result in harm. The same goes for alfalfa sprouts, whose nutrients are great in moderation but can be fatal in excess. Too much fiber can result in digestive issues like constipation or diarrhea.

How to Prepare Alfalfa Sprouts for Your Bearded Dragons?

Wash It Properly

Like with any other vegetables and fruits, you have to make sure you wash the sprouts properly. By doing this, you are making sure that no insecticides or pesticides get to your bearded dragon during feeding time. It would be good if you washed them for thirty seconds to one minute with warm water. 

Chop Them Into Small Pieces

After washing the alfalfa sprouts properly, chop them into smaller pieces, and it is essential because larger pieces could choke your bearded dragon. 

Serve It With Other Veggies

After chopping alfalfa sprouts into small pieces, you could mix them with other veggies to enhance the take and increase the quantity. It could be fed in moderation and not as a whole meal.


Can bearded dragons eat alfalfa sprouts? You could feed your bearded dragon alfalfa sprouts a few times each month because bearded dragon foods should have a higher calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. 

Fresh alfalfa is an excellent daily addition to a bearded dragon’s diet, and alfalfa has several nutritional qualities applicable to bearded dragons. Feeding your bearded dragon alfalfa sprouts once every week will not damage their health; it will provide them with a healthy variation to their diet to keep them strong and happy.


Can baby bearded dragons eat alfalfa sprouts?

Yes, baby bearded dragons can eat alfalfa sprouts, which is healthy for their development but keep in mind to feed them in moderation.

Do bearded dragons like alfalfa sprouts?

Yes, bearded dragons like the taste of alfalfa sprouts, but it entirely depends on the taste buds of different bearded dragons.

Are alfalfa sprouts safe for beardies?

Yes, alfalfa sprouts are safe for bearded dragons. It is an excellent source of protein and several other nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K.

How much alfalfa sprouts to feed bearded dragons?

You can feed your bearded dragon’s alfalfa sprouts occasionally, and it should not be more than one time per week.

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