Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes? Benefits, Risks & How to Feed Tomatoes


can rabbits eat tomatoes
27 May, 2024

Although we may think our pets appreciate the food we give them, it’s not the healthiest because every pet has a unique dietary preference. Rabbits adore snacking, and we find it simple to provide them with as much as they want. But when it comes to tomatoes, can rabbits eat tomatoes?

Thankfully, the answer is that a rabbit can indeed eat tomatoes. Only ripe tomatoes, nevertheless, are secure for your rabbit to eat. When given in moderation, tomatoes are a fruit that is high in nutrients and can benefit your pet’s health. But it would help if you didn’t give them green tomatoes, only the red, perfectly ripe ones.

Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes?

Yes, rabbits may easily consume tomatoes as a fruit. Rabbits can digest the tomato fruit; toxic leaves stem, seeds, blossoms, and even green fruit are dangerous. Cherry tomatoes are also edible to rabbits. But be cautious when feeding the tomato to bunnies if it causes ingestion. Tomatoes are rich in sugar.

Although they don’t have as much energy per serving as other vegetables, like pumpkin and mushrooms, they still contain a lot of sugar. Like many mammals, rabbits enjoy sweet treats but experience adverse effects from eating them excessively. 

Rabbits have highly delicate digestive tracts. They don’t see much sugar in the wild, so they can’t handle much of it. They still can’t take a lot of sugar, so monitoring is recommended.

Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes

How Often Can Rabbits Eat tomatoes?

Rabbits may have one or two tomato slices daily

For a rabbit older than 12 weeks of age, a modest amount of seedless tomato every day is acceptable. Change the fruit you give your rabbit daily to ensure it receives various nutrients, and you may provide your rabbit with moderate amounts of tomatoes.

A small quantity of tomato added to your rabbit’s food bowl as a treat will not hurt it, but you must watch that it doesn’t overeat, or it might become extremely ill. Pet bunnies are a little adaptable since they are frequently raised on frequent treats, such as manufactured snacks, dried fruit crisps, and fresh fruit. As a result, rabbits occasionally consume tomatoes.

7 Benefits of Feeding Tomatoes to Rabbits

Before introducing it to their diet, it is only reasonable to question how anything new would impact your pet’s health. Here are a few benefits of serving tomatoes to your pet rabbits.

1: High Water Content Prevent Dehydration

A rabbit needs a continuous supply of water. You know that tomatoes are mostly water; according to studies, tomatoes contain 95% of water. Hence, tomato avoids dehydration in your furry friend, and staying hydrated all day can make him healthier and more active.

2: Good Fat Aids in Better Digestion

For energy, rabbits must also consume fat. Fat helps them in increasing their digestion. And if they eat a diet rich in greens, giving your bunnies the right amount of fat won’t be a problem. Feed at least one tomato weekly if you cannot feed them enough greens. Because tomatoes contain adequate good fat, they are an appealing option for rabbits.

3: Rich in Potassium

Potassium is an essential electrolyte for the health of cells and muscles, particularly cardiac muscle. Hypokalemia, found in rabbits, is the term for a low potassium level in the blood. Tomatoes are a good source of potassium and keep your bunny’s hypokalemia at bay. Potassium helps build and maintain heart health, ultimately adding a few more years to their life.

4: Vitamin K

Blood clotting in rabbits is promoted with the help of vitamin K. The bodies of rabbits generally generate vitamin K. But occasionally, they could require more. For instance, a pregnant rabbit’s body could need extra vitamin K. Tomatoes contain vitamin K, especially K1, which may benefit rabbits.

5: Rich in Vitamin C

Tomatoes are highly rich in Vitamin C, and they help boost body weight, feed intake, and conversion ratio in rabbits. But have you heard that, unlike humans, rabbits can produce their Vitamin C? Hence, they do not require additional Vitamin C in their diet, and their bodies manufacture enough glucose on their own. But if your bunny lacks vitamin C, feeding him tomatoes is a good idea.

6: Boosts Digestion

The fiber content of tomatoes is about 5%. It is constantly recommended that rabbit owners feed their rabbits this fiber-rich diet. Fiber is the component the rabbit needs the most for digesting because its stomach is constant. A rabbit’s diet features a lot of fiber, and its digestive system may suffer from a lack of fiber. Lack of fiber can cause gastrointestinal (GI) stasis whenever their bodies lack fiber. Feeding tomatoes can help them prevent getting GI.

7: Prevents Potential Disease

Lycopene is one of several nutrients found in tomatoes. Lycopene reduces heart disease and aids in cell health, according to recent studies. Tomatoes reduce the risks of these possible diseases in your dear pet. Keep feeding them in a moderate amount to avoid any side effects.

4 Risk Of Feeding Tomatoes To Rabbits

Tomatoes should be a healthy meal since they include a bunch of goodness that benefits and maintains your bunny’s health. It must be fed fresh and free of chemicals and parasites. So, wash it properly before serving it to your bunny. Although tomatoes may provide many health advantages for your rabbit, you should also be aware of any potential concerns that may arise.

1: High Levels of Sugar Can Make them Obese

The sugar content in tomatoes is high, negatively impacting your rabbit’s digestive tract. The stomach cannot break down sugar, and consuming too much sugar can harm the stomach and result in severe diarrhea.

In addition to digestive problems, overeating sugar can cause weight and oral health problems, including obesity and tooth decay.

2: Excessive Vitamin C May Lead to Kidney Stones

One great source of vitamin C is tomatoes. However, the benefits of tomatoes to rabbits are minimal since their bodies can make this vitamin by breaking down glucose. Rabbits should not consume excessive amounts of vitamin C. Their bodies transform it into oxalates, causing kidney stones to develop and leading to renal diseases.

3: Unripe Tomatoes Can Cause Indigestion

Only ripe tomatoes should be provided to your rabbit since unripe tomatoes may be dangerous, and this shouldn’t be fed to young rabbits. You should wait until your newborn bunnies are 12 weeks old to introduce them to fruits and vegetables, like spinach, broccoli, etc., since they have a sensitive digestive system.

4: Cautious of Naturally Toxic Substance

Tomato is a member of the Nightshade Family. Sadly, this genus of plants generates a substance called solanine that is poisonous to rabbits and mainly centered on the tomato plant’s greens.

Another poisonous substance identified in tomato plants is tomatine, found in the whole body, unlike solanine. Thankfully, tomatine is only present in tiny quantities in tomato fruit.

How to Feed Tomatoes to Rabbits?

If you want to feed tomatoes to your rabbit, you should do it in moderation and as a component of a nutritious diet. Ensure the tomatoes have been thoroughly cleaned and the stems and seeds removed before giving them to your rabbit. 

You should stop feeding your rabbit tomatoes if they cause any adverse reactions, and you should also see a veterinarian. The following steps will help you to understand how to provide them to your bunny:

Wash Tomatoes Properly

Unless they are organic and grown in your backyard, wash any fruits and veggies you give your rabbit. As pesticides are used to cultivate most modern-produced food, the tomato’s skin likely contains toxic substances. Once your rabbit has consumed the pesticide, their health may be at risk.

Cut and Slice an Appropriate Size of Tomato

Giving your whole pet tomatoes will make it difficult for them to consume them, and the untreated seeds and leaves will also upset their digestive system. Tiny cubes will make it simpler to extract the seeds, making the vegetable a perfect snack for your pet that won’t have any negative consequences.

Go Slow With the Amount to Consume

Do a smooth transition with your pet each time you introduce a new meal to their diet to allow them to gradually ingest the nutrients and food. You may manage this by putting a few finely chopped chunks in their usual meal.

Remove Some Parts of the Tomato

Remember to remove the leaves, stem, and seeds from the tomato before giving them to your rabbit. It may result in digestive problems, including bloating and diarrhea, and it may occasionally result in serious issues. Avoid giving the rabbit any of this, if possible. Wash the tomato well to get rid of any dirt or chemicals.

Serve Tomato as a Treat

Instead of including tomatoes as a staple in the rabbit’s diet, you should give them as a treat. Providing your rabbit hay, leafy greens like lettuce, parsley, etc., and a few pellets can ensure it gets all the nutrition it needs.


Tomatoes are beneficial for your diet only if consumed in the recommended amounts. So, the answer to can rabbits eat tomatoes is yes! Consuming tomatoes in any way is OK for bunnies, whether they are the most attractive red, vivid yellow, green, or dark brown types. 

Although tomatoes are poor in protein and fat and contain some carbohydrates, they have trace vitamin C, K, and fiber levels. It will be the perfect choice for your rabbit’s diet and healthy lifestyle as long as it is consuming this fruit in moderation and it is not contaminated or spoiled.

Other Preferred Foods for Mammals


Do rabbits like to eat tomatoes?

Yes, rabbits will eat tomatoes. Rabbits belong to the herbivores class, indicating that they appreciate a wide range of greens and plants.

Can baby rabbits eat tomatoes?

Baby rabbits should not be given any vegetables or fruits, including tomatoes, until they are 12 weeks old since their digestive systems are still developing.

Are tomatoes good for rabbits?

Yes. While tomatoes are a significant source of vitamins A and C, they offer certain health advantages.

Can rabbits eat tomato leaves?

No. Rabbits are sickened by the tomato plant’s stems, leaves, and blooms.

Can rabbits eat tomato seeds?

No. Rabbits cannot consume tomato seeds. Try to get rid of any tomato seeds before giving your rabbit food, even though it takes a lot of them to be harmful.

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