Do Deer Eat Impatiens—8 Ways of Protecting Your Impatiens

Gardeners frequently enquire, “Do deer eat impatiens?” Impatiens, often known as “Busy Lizzies” or “Busy Bees,” is a plant that deer frequently graze on when they have the chance.
If you don’t protect the plants, impatiens will frequently be attacked by deer because they are not at all deer resistant. Deer consume impatiens, flower to stem. You must be careful protecting your crop because roving deer in gardens enjoy munching on these vibrant, beautiful blossoms.
Do deers eat impatiens?
Yes, deers eat Impatiens. If you don’t safeguard these plants, these harmful animals will consume them. Deer frequently target the gorgeous impatiens (Impatiens spp.) and harm these lovely flowering annuals.
Why do deer eat impatiens?
Deer eat impatiens because they are neither puffy, thorny, or covered in unpleasant tastes or scents. Deer are opportunistic feeders, so they will gladly eat their way through entire flowerbeds of impatiens before moving on to other bland-tasting, helpless plants and veggies in the yard.
Deer can eliminate parasites and other undesirable organisms in their digestive systems by eating impatiens that taste good to deer. Impatiens are even a fantastic alternative for sick or injured deer.
Nutritional benefits of impatiens for deer
Phosphorus, vital for deer to have strong bones and teeth, is abundant in impatiens. The growth of muscles and energy metabolism are further benefits of phosphorus.
Impatiens are rich in calcium, which deer require for healthy nerve and muscular function. Additionally, calcium stimulates blood coagulation and keeps deer bones robust.
The calcium supports their growing teeth and bones, and the iron aids in the development of strong bones in the young. But it’s the point to note that deer do not consume impatiens to maintain good health but rather augment their diet when other plants are in short supply.
What type of impatiens do deer like to eat
Red and pink impatiens appear to attract deer more than other colors. Additionally, they choose the more recent types with larger flowers and more compact growth patterns. Deer adore narrow-leaved evergreens, mainly fir and arborvitae.
English ivy, hostas, and daylilies are favorites of deer. The months of October through February see the most frequent garden browsing, and many farmers have observed that fertilized plants appear to be preferred by deer.
The best way to feed impatiens to deer
- Gather some recent impatiens leaves and stems (or buy them at the store).
- The ideal places for the impatiens are typically towards the margins of the woods or along trails, so spread them out on a level surface or tray and set them there.
- Throughout the day, return occasionally and restock the supply as necessary.
- Give them a different type of food to eat. If you have plants in your garden that deer won’t eat, place them close to the impatiens so that the deer will be diverted to those plants and not the others because they are a different food source.
What deer like and what they don’t like about impatiens
Because they are simple to chew, deer typically prefer plant species with tiny, spherical leaves that have a soft touch. It is quite similar to how impatiens leaves seem.
However, some believe that utilizing natural repellents like dried blood or spreading blood meal around the base of their plant helps them successfully grow impatiens. Others claim it does little more than a mess and smells bad when you water it.
Choosing low-growing types of impatiens with short, narrow leaves is the best approach to keep deer away from your plants.
Little Pinkie is a new arrival with tiny foliage and significantly smaller flowers compared to many other impatiens. It is ideal for borders because it only grows to 8 inches.
8 Ways of protecting your impatiens from deer
Plant them closer to your house
Deer are easily startled by people or animals and will flee if you startle them. You or your dog will find keeping an eye on them simpler.
Deer can be scared away if they approach your plants and you see them; dog barking can also be effective. In light of this, be sure to eliminate and/or replant any impatiens you may have in your yard’s far corner, where deer are likely to enter.
Plant something else that deer won’t appreciate
There are some plants that deers don’t appreciate and won’t eat, so try planting them in your garden to avoid them from getting eaten. Lavender or marigolds are a couple of wonderful alternatives, and these will not only keep deer away, but they will also give your landscape some color and variety.
Deer can effectively get repelled by noxious flowers like deadly poppies or potently scented marigolds. Additionally, they can provide your yard with more types and brilliant colors.
Use unsettling sounds or bright lights to frighten deer
As per the research, deer hear at a different wavelength than that emitted by the ultrasonic repellent. Consider adding wind chimes or motion-activated lights to your garden. These bright lights or obnoxious noises will scare away deer, which are readily startled. However, they are also incredibly brilliant; with time, they can become accustomed to them and lose their dread of them.
Deer won’t eat your impatiens if you treat them with repellents
You can make one yourself or purchase one from a nearby retailer. Deer won’t eat your impatiens if you treat them with repellents. To keep them protected at all times, make sure to reapply the repellents often. There are three primary categories of repellents in this category:
- those that cause pain or fear
- those that alter the flavor
- those that change the aroma of plants
A short fence around your garden should do the trick
A short fence around your garden should be preferred so that deer can jump but not fly. Just ensure it’s tight against the ground and high enough to prevent deer from getting below (at least 6 feet).
Scatter human hair clippings
Have you recently had a haircut? Keep the trimmings and scatter them throughout the garden bed’s perimeter. Deer will smell the hair and mistakenly believe it is the human scent, and thus they will avoid the area where they believe humans are present.
Using strongly scented items is one efficient approach
Use the fact that deer have excellent senses of scent as an opportunity to your advantage. Try the spray container containing the vinegar. Add six drops of peppermint essential oil and four drops of rosemary essential oil. Shake the spray container to combine the ingredients after securing the cap. Do not spray anything you intend to eat with this combination; instead, apply it to plants.
Mix up your tactics from time to time
Overall, hungry deer are flexible, resourceful, and persistent, so using just one technique won’t guarantee they won’t visit your garden. To catch deer off guard and most effectively stop them from destroying your garden, mix up your tactics from time to time.
There’s no doubt that deer love impatiens. Impatiens can be grown, and deer can still visit your yard, but it will require some preparation.
As said above, divide your yard into distinct regions if you want to continue to welcome deer, encouraging them to visit certain places. Consider growing plants that deer avoid higher up in your yard, between your impatiens, and at the far end of your garden while leaving out food for visitors.
Do deer like impatiens?
Yes, deer do consume impatiens. If you don’t safeguard these plants, they’ll consume them immediately.
Can deer digest impatiens?
If you don’t protect the plants, impatiens will frequently be attacked by deer because they are not at all deer resistant.
How many impatiens can deer eat?
Deer might appear innocent enough, but if you leave them unattended in the garden, they can cause severe damage to your favorite plants.
Can baby deer eat impatiens?
Yes, impatiens are a favorite diet of deer. For deer, they are similar to a chocolate-covered confectionery.
Do deer eat Impatiens or begonias?
Although tuberous begonias offer huge, spectacular, and colorful blooms, deer prefer to eat foliage.
What flower deer will not eat?
Deer steer clear of common flowers with toxicity like daffodils, foxgloves, and poppies. Deer also have a propensity to avoid plants with powerful odors.
Do deer eat pansies?
Beware of deer devouring any pansies or violas you planted for winter color. These lovely annuals yield edible flowers that animals adore eating.
When do deer eat impatiens?
Deer are browsers, meaning they consume a variety of vegetation all year.
Are impatiens dangerous for deer to eat?
No, eating impatiens is not harmful to deer, and they might be a welcome addition to these frequently hungry animals’ diet.